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The ache in between my legs was making it hard to walk straight as I stumbled down the hall in the direction of the infirmary. I considered stopping there for a full body check up on my visit to see the baby. Regardless from the occasional sharp pains from being stretched to my limit I loved having the both of them at the same time a lot more than I expected myself to. 

I pushed the door to the infirmary open, my nose stinging from the abrasive smell of disinfectant cleaner and astringents. As I made my way through the room the faint sound of a few heart monitors were beeping in various rooms that were guarded by a long, light blue curtain. My heart sank as I realized the rooms were full of the countless German Soldiers who had be injured on our mission to get Sauer. Most of the nurses who were usually buzzing around the main room were no wear to be seen and I could only assume they were busy attending to the Soldier's wounds. As I reached the desk of a familiar nurse I silently wondered how many men and women succumbed to their injuries. 

"Hey I was just stopping by the take the baby for a few hours, if that's oka-"

"She isn't here."

The nurses deadpan voice made my shoulders tense up and my heart drop. I shuffled on my feet, uncomfortable as I looked in the direction of the room I knew the baby was in the last time I was here. 

"What do you mean, she isn't here? Where is she?" I questioned with a panicked and angry tone. She sighed and stared at me with dead eyes, ones that told me she didn't really care where the child was. 

"I don't know. A soldier came by and got her about twenty minutes ago." 

Her indifference to the wellbeing and safety of this child was irritating and I had to stop myself from crawling over this desk and choking her out. Dramatic? Maybe. A wonderful fantasy? Yes. 

I turned on my heel and ran out of the infirmary as the nurse mumbled something under her breath. When I reached the door I flung it open and took off running in the direction of the lounge area. When I turned the corner and no one from my team was visible the panic began to set in. Who took her? How did this nurse know it was someone who could be trusted? 

I slammed my fist into each member of the 141's door, yelling their respective names. When I reached no answer every time the dread of not knowing where anyone was sank deeper and deeper into my chest. A sickening guilt was creeping in my stomach. How could I let my hedonistic desires stop me from keeping her in my sights like that? If anything happens to her it would be all my fault. 

My self-pitiful thoughts were running through my head just as fast as I was running through the base until in one split second they stopped. As I ran passed the mess-hall my eyes darted outside the windows into the courtyard where I could see everyone in the 141 standing in a circle as Price extended his arms to the baby as she made wobbly steps in his direction. 

"Why didn't anyone tell me they were taking the baby!" I barked as I angrily threw open the courtyard doors. Everyone snapped their heads to look at me as I stood there breathing fast, hands on hips. 

"I couldn't find you and I wanted to hang out with the little soldier." Price said with a small side smile, paying no attention to the little fit I was throwing. He looked back down to the baby as she stomped her foot through the grass. "I'm guessing you didn't look at your phone. I sent a text to the group chat that I was outside with her." 

My face flushed with a bright pink shade of embarrassment at his words. I didn't even think to check my phone. I rubbed the back of my neck nervously as I walked toward the crew. Ghost was standing a little further away from the baby compared to everyone else. His arms were crossed across his chest but his eyes were glued to her. His stance was defensive, almost as if he was ready to jump in front of a bullet for her. 

Prinzessin - KONIG x Ghost x Fem READER! 18+, SlowburnWhere stories live. Discover now