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It was lights out and the base was quiet, eerily so. The conversation with Gaz hours ago took a dark, foreboding turn. It stuck with me for the rest of the day, and despite my best efforts to drown out his words with exercise, training, paperwork, none of it helped.

Why do I feel like this is the last time I'm going to see you?

I shot up from my bed, my forehead slick with a sheen of sweat. I sighed as I threw my legs over the side of the bed, my eyes trained on the floor of my room. My stomach twisted in on itself as I sat in my dark room, trying to fight off the haunting shadows that were circling me. I pushed myself to stand and threw on a hoodie, grabbing a pack of cigarettes that has since collected a layer of dust. I dropped the nasty habit when we went to Germany, just to pick it up again. I really need a better vice.

I left my room with nothing but my cigarettes, a lighter, and my knife. l stepped out into the quiet hallway, flicking the lighter repeatedly in my hand as I made my way down the grim corridor that seemed to stretch for miles. As I rounded the corner a soft yellow light bled from underneath Price's office door. The urge to tell him I was stepping out for a smoke was overwhelming. Something deep inside myself was screaming at me, telling me that he needed to know despite the fact the base was no longer on lockdown.

My knuckles tapped the dense wood a few times before pushing it open, my eyes finding a very tired looking Price. He looked up at me and gave me a soft smile, dropping his pen to the table as he sat back in his chair. "Yes, mate?"

"I'm stepping out for a smoke..." I said softly, giving him a warm smile before nodding and shutting the door, leaving him to his work. I made the rest of the way to the front entrance of the base, pushing it open and being met with an slightly chilly gust of wind.

I stepped into the dark night, my eyes scanning around me as a second nature. I lit the cigarette after I put it to my lips. With every inhale and exhale I tried to fight off the feeling that something just wasn't right. Something, somewhere, was watching. I did my best to convince myself is was an animal staring at me curiously, attracted to the warm glow at the end of my burning cigarette. The smoke billowed out and disappeared above me, my eyes darting back and forth through the darkness.

The sound of a twig snapping far off in the distance made me turn my head, my eyes narrowing to adjust to the darkness. The cigarette laid forgotten between my fingers. My free hand felt for my keycard, an impending sense of danger clawing at my skin as it donned goosebumps. My hair stood on end as I realized I left my god damn keycard in my room. "Fuck!" I growled as I took one last drag of my cigarette, my eyes still drifting across the tree line, before flicking it into the dirt.

I turned around, my visionally suddenly engulfed by a tall frame. Just as I looked up my vision went black as something was pulled over my head. A sharp pain struck the back of my head, making it spin as I did my best to remain conscious.

-Captain Price's perspective-

My eyes strained as I stared down at page after page of paperwork. It was late and I was exhausted but I knew if I didn't get the stack done tonight I would drown in it tomorrow. Just as I was half a second away from shredding all the papers and saying to hell with it, Y/N knocked on my door.

"I'm going out for a smoke..."

Her words were simple and straight to the point but her eyebrows were knit in an expression I couldn't quite pin. Something was bothering her, unsettling her usual calm demeanor. I nodded as she shut the door, reaching deep to find some renewed determination to continue my work. The seconds stretched to grueling minutes, each tick tick tick of the clock acting as a melodic lullaby that increased my fatigue tenfold.

Prinzessin - KONIG x Ghost x Fem READER! 18+, SlowburnWhere stories live. Discover now