Tenacious Pt. 2

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TW: Blood, body horror, torture, strong language and themes.

A/N: GOOD LORD. It's here babyyyyyy! Have fun, enjoy the chapter, and let me know your thoughts. Ily all!

Ghost's Perspective:

I haven't felt fear like this since the day I clawed my way out of a coffin with nothing but the jawbone from the rotting corpse of my dead colleague Vernon. Being buried alive is inching its way down my list of top ten shittiest fucking things to happen to me.

As the helicopter soars and slices through the air I shudder when the memories of the brainwashing facility springs through my mind. The days when the memories of my torture plagues my mind it's often unbearable. The abuse from my father, being buried alive, being hung from a tree by my ribs, the death of my family, all of it. It was my monster in the closet, leaving me vulnerable and scared. Y/N chased those monsters away, even if just for a little bit.

I was going to do anything possible to chase her monsters away, too.

But despite my torture and trauma, I'd happily make a deal with the devil himself to trade places with Y/N. Make it my own personal hell. For every second of every day till the end of time I'd rather be in her spot. Taking every hit, every stab, every punishment.

She's not a delicate rose that demands sheltered protection. She is fierce and strong, her own background molding her into an unstoppable force who would do anything, kill anyone, to fight her way back. I know this much, but yet I can't stop myself from preparing for the worst. I shudder in my seat, my heart straining at the mental image of her lifeless body. Dying alone and afraid. Dying the death someone like her doesn't deserve.

I failed her.

The night she was captured, I heard her short conversation with Price.

"I'm going out for a smoke."

Her soft voice echoed through my ears, taunting me with my inadequacies. I watched as she shut his office door and headed down the hall, running a hand through her hair while the other hand pulled a menthol cigarette to her lips. She looked tired and stressed. Dark bags dragged her eyes down and I knew in that moment she was losing more sleep than normal. An iron fist squeezed my heart as I watched her walk out, air blowing her hair behind her as the door shut.

I hesitated to follow her. The urge to make amends begged me to move but my fear of fucking things up further cemented me to the floor. The shock and utter look of anguish on her face the last time I spoke with her made me feel sick and stricken with shame. So that night I turned on my heel and returned to my room, throwing myself into my bed and letting my self-pity form a black puddle around me. Sucking and pulling me in until I was drowning.

I swallowed roughly, returning my gaze forward. Gaz was sitting across from me, bouncing his knee as he stared off behind me. He was pale, his hands shaking as he rested them on his knee. His eyes were glossed with stress but his jaw was flexed with determination. Gaz wasn't weak, he was strong as hell and capable of surviving the worst of it but I knew how much Y/N meant to him. He was her rock, her being the same. When there was no one else to turn to, they turned to one another. It went beyond comradery, it was the love of two best friends. His determination was only taking him so far. The petrifying realization that he may never see his best friend again was tearing him apart.

I wasn't heartless. Beyond my nonchalant and stone-cold demeanor I had enough empathy to tell that Gaz was barely hanging on by a thread. For the first time in my life I had the urge to hug another man.

Someone phone Satan, check if hell froze over.

I tongued my cheek as I forced my daunting thoughts into the deepest recesses of my mind and went into damage control mode. Mentally flicking through each plan, possible outcome, and defense tactics I had. I chose to shut down my panic, letting my training take over. Instead of shying away from her possible death I leaned into it, using it as motivation to get this done effectively and quickly. Whether she was alive or not, this needed to be handled with the expertise we all possesed.

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