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I'm going to to give this story a shot and see how this goes.


"I'm so sorry," I say solemnly. "We'll see each other again soon," I kiss my book before placing it into the moving box.

I've been doing this with all my books. Making sure they know that I'm not abandoning them. That they just have to be temporarily packed away until I move into my new apartment.

That's right. I'm finally moving to New York City. My parents both live there, which is one of the reasons why I'm moving.

That and because I'm looking for bigger opportunities when it comes to my writing. I'm trying to become an author but it's not as simple as I thought.

I love this small town that I grew up in but it's time for a change. If I want my writing career to go anywhere, I need to go somewhere more well known. That's why I place my last book into the box so I can leave.

I stand up, taking one last look around my room. Not that there's much to take in. Me and my parents live in a small two bedroom house in Blue Ridge, Georgia. Well, it's just me who lives here. My parents moved to New York about a year ago.

Since they're getting up in age, they wanted to start exploring more. So after they visited New York, they just decided to end up moving there for good. They wanted me to come too, but I didn't really like the idea. I'm not good when it comes to being around a lot of people.

After some thought, I realized that it would be good to move to the big city. There's more opportunities and this would be a good way to meet new people.

Everyone here in my hometown is pretty friendly. If there's one person I'm gonna miss is my friend Peyton. We've been friends ever since I started school. I didn't want to go to school then because I was afraid the other kids wouldn't like me. The first couple of days were rough. I didn't have anyone to play or eat lunch with. That's until Peyton showed up. After the teacher introduced her, she came and sat by me since I was sitting by myself.

"What's your name?" she asked as soon as she sat down.

"Rose," I mumbled quietly.

I was a little nervous that she was talking to me. She was kinda of intimidating. She had her hair in two pigtails and she wore jean overalls with black boots.

"Like the flower, that's pretty cool," she smiled at me.

For the first time since starting school, I smiled back.

"Your smiles pretty," was the last thing she said before the teacher spoke up to start class.

I didn't know that was the start of a long lasting friendship. We stuck by each other through primary, elementary, middle, and high school. She hasn't changed one bit.

I hear the front door slam open and against the wall. She's finally here, but she's late like usual.

She comes into my room, wearing her blue jean shorts and her favorite black oversized t shirt. And of course she has her signature black combat boots on. Her blonde hair is pulled back into her usual ponytail.

"Sorry I'm late. They had a buy one get one free at Mama Blues shop," she says, stopping next to me.

Ah, Mama Blues. She's been running her little cafe/diner for as long as I can remember. I've been going there ever since I was born. As me and Peyton got older, we made it our mission to go there every week together ever since we became old enough to go by ourselves.

I didn't even think about how much I'm gonna miss it. How much I'm gonna miss Peyton.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Rose," she looks at me. She's always been able to read my facial expressions and know how I'm feeling.

I pull her into hug, holding on as tightly as possible. A few tears fall and I sniffle slightly.

"You're gonna call me all the time right?" her southern accent coming out thick. I can tell she's trying not to cry.

"I'll call you every chance I get," I promise her.

She picks up a few boxes and I pick up the last few. Small house, which means there's not much stuff to move. Half of the boxes are just my books.

She helps me carry the boxes to my car. We place them in the back seat before turning to look at each other.

"I can come with you," she offers.

I give her a small smile. I would love for her to come but I know she has to stay here to take care of her younger brother Jamie and her mama. Ever since her mama got sick, she's been taking care of the household.

"You know you have to stay and help your mama," I say.

"She's just gonna make me rub her feet and clip her toenails," she groans.

I laugh because that's true. I was over at her house when that happened. Let's just say that was scary from the second hand point of view.

I run up to the house real quickly, making sure it's locked. I don't want some random person living in my childhood home while we're gone. When I'm done making sure it's locked, I go and get in my car. Peyton stands by the drivers side, bending down to talk through the window.

"Call me as soon you get there," she rests her forearms on the window.

"If I'm not too tired, this is gonna be a long drive," I respond honestly. This is going to be around a thirteen hour drive.

"Well take a nap, then call me," she smiles.

I nod my head, starting the car up. It's early in the morning, so I'm gonna be driving all day. She steps back and I pull off. I watch through the rear view mirror as she waves to me. I wave back out the window, letting a few more tears slip. I'm gonna miss her so much.

I dry my tears and put on a smile. We'll visit each other soon. I should be excited. This is a new adventure ahead of me. I just hope I'm making a good decision.

I want your honest opinion. Should I continue this, please let me know!

Later y'all 💕

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