|2| You Again

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Do y'all prefer if I do q&a on here, or should I just go without one on this book? Let me know and I hope you like the chapter!


"Sir, remember that you have a meeting at three o'clock," my assistant, Charlie, says as he tries to keep up his pace beside me.

I stop as I reach my office doors, turning to speak to him. "And who is it with?" I question.

His hand trembles as he double checks his tablet. He hesitantly looks up at me. "Um, your dad wants to meet with you sir," he voice trembles slightly.

He take a deep breath, trying to control my temper. He's the last person I want to meet with, especially on a day like today. I've already had to fire two of my employees because they screwed up an important project that I've been expecting for weeks.

"Cancel it," I tell him, pushing open my office doors. I go inside and walk straight over to my desk, taking a seat.

"But he specified that it was important-," I cut him off before he can finish.

"Last time I checked, who's your boss?" I say, starting to sort through some of the documents I need to finish. This business deal is taking a lot longer than it should.

"You, s-sir," he hesitates. I stop signing one of the documents.

"Why did you hesitate?" I ask, leaning back in my chair to give him my full attention.

He avoids my eyes and I can tell something's up. "Your father said I should listen to him too, since he's my superior," he says, still avoiding eye contact.

I let out a small chuckle. Of course, my father is going around telling my employees that they should listen to him. I started my own company instead of taking over his for this exact reason. So naturally, my kiss ass of a brother takes over our dad's business. So that automatically makes him the golden child now.

And my sister, well she's the youngest so she's automatically the favorite, especially since she's the only girl. But I love her nonetheless, and it doesn't hurt that she's ten times better than Alex.

"You know what, since you want to listen to him how about you go work for him too," I go back to signing the paperwork in front of me. "Get out, you're fired," I tell him bluntly.

"Sir, but I need this job-," he starts to ramble.

"I don't care. You should've thought of that before taking orders from my father," I stand up, leaning forward on the desk. "Now. Get. Out," I holler at him.

He quickly nods his head and leaves my office. I sit back down in my chair and run a tired hand down my face. Now, I have to get a new PA. Just another thing to add to the list of stressful things I need to do.


It's night time now and I'm fucking exhausted. Although, it's nothing new because it's like this every day. No matter how tiresome it is though, I wouldn't do anything differently. I have my own successful business, which has been my top priority ever since I was younger.

Now, I've worked my ass off to have my own company at the decent age of thirty. Unlike my brother, I can say I built my company from nothing.

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