chapter one

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today was a perfect day for the beach, and soleil couldn't wait to enjoy the sun, the sand, and the sea. as she rummaged through her suitcases, she scolded herself for not organizing her belongings beforehand. her necklaces were all tangled messily, causing a bit of frustration.

she had a slight flutter of excitement in her heart. haechan, the friendly acquaintance she had met just yesterday, was on her mind. she didn't dress to impress him intentionally, but she couldn't deny the desire to make a good impression. there was something about his company that made her feel at ease and happy.

she applied a light, dewy foundation to her face, making sure to accentuate the sweet freckles that sprinkled across her nose and cheeks. instead of concealing them, she embraced their natural charm, appreciating the unique touch they added to her visuals. she put on mascara and styled her blonde hair into short bouncy curls and wore a pink headband. her hair appeared surprisingly "healthy" despite the number of times she has had it dyed at the salon.

she chose a floral summer dress that fell just below her knees, pairing it with gladiator sandals. before going out, she made sure to tell her mother first and then she brought her phone this time. her parents were extremely concerned yesterday when they couldn't reach her. it's understandable; after all, she was only 16 and in a foreign country.

the previous night, haechan had accompanied soleil back to her place and even gave her a pair of red flip-flops, which were three sizes too big for her. despite the fit issue, she appreciated his thoughtfulness.

"mommy, i'm going to collect seashells by the seashore! i already ate the waffles, i'll just text you!"

soleil didn't wait for her mom's reply and dashed to the elevator. the elevator ride seemed to take an eternity, but finally, she arrived in the lobby. the beach was just a short walk away, and the sound of seagulls and crashing waves grew louder with each step she took.

"where could he be?" she wondered, eagerly scanning the shoreline for any sign of haechan. she kept an eye out for him, hoping to spot his familiar figure among the beachgoers.

suddenly, a friendly voice called out from behind her, "yah! kim soleil! over here!"

she turned around to find haechan waving at her from a spot not far away.

he took off his sunglasses, revealing the colours on soleil's dress. one of the straps hung loosely on her shoulder, giving her an innocent and angelic appearance. her hair bobbed up and down as she ran toward him with a cheeky smile, dropping her small basket before embracing haechan in a sudden and spontaneous hug. haechan was taken aback but hugged her back.

the hug was short-lived, but it was warm, and kind.

"oh, i'm so sorry. i got carried away. it's just that, uhhh, we usually hug each other in korea, y-yeah", she stammered, trying to explain her actions.

haechan held himself from laughing at her lame excuse; of course he still knows how it's like in korea, if anything, hugging was more of an american thing, as koreans tended to be more conservative with physical affection. but he didn't question her, instead, he tenderly brushed strands of hair away from her face, earning him an adorable smile in return. gosh, her smile made mondays a friday.

"i wanna show you something! let me ask my dad first.. come with me", haechan said, picking up the basket and gently holding soleil's dainty wrist as he led her to where his father was stationed.

"dad!" haechan called for his father who was just getting down his tall lifeguard heavy duty chair; the timing couldn't be more perfect~

"is she the girl you were talking about last-", donghwan almost spilled the beans, but haechan beat him to it.

"don't mind my father, he was just goofing around", haechan playfully glared at his father for almost snitching on him.

"good day, mr. lee!" soleil greeted haechan's father with a respectful bow. he looked a lot like haechan, obviously, but the dad was notably taller, like maybe a head taller.

"well good morning to you too!" donghwan said in a singsong manner.

"dad, i'll be out with her for a bit, i can't watch over people right now", haechan informed his father.

"it's okay son, we already have a bunch of volunteers scattered across the area- now go ahead and enjoy the day with her!" mr. lee shooed haechan and soleil away, letting them be.

he watched them run towards the coast with grins on their faces, they held each other's hands as the soft sand cushioned their every step, "must be young love", he mumbled.

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