chapter six

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"where are you taking me, sol?" his gaze lingered on their still-interlocked hands, and a rosy hue unknowingly graced his cheeks.

it was a sunny day, so soleil couldn't be entirely certain if the source of that blush was solely the sun – yet, adorable he looked, regardless.

"to wherever my feet take us", soleil replied confidently, her tone masking the fact that she had no specific destination in mind. in truth, she wasn't all that familiar with this part of the beach, and her decision to lead them here was driven more by wanting to get haechan away from jenna and her friends than any knowledge of the area.

"do you fancy a boat ride? we could rent one if you'd like", haechan suggested, punctuating his words with a gentle squeeze of her hand.

soleil nodded and they went on the bay to borrow a boat from a good friend of haechan's father. the weathered, honey-stained planks that made up the boat is compact–with just enough space for two–offering an intimate journey where closeness is encouraged. soleil leaped onto the boat after haechan which caused the boat to slightly rock.

"do you feel comfortable in your seat?" haechan asked out of concern since it would be a long ride to and from the ocean.

"mmh", she replied without a thought.

the boy began to paddle, his motions slow and measured as he propelled the boat further from the shore. haechan steered the boat toward the horizon, where the sky met the ocean's expanse. the vivid streaks of purple in his hair danced in the direction of the strong winds, and his canary-yellow shirt clung to his form like a second skin.

soleil dipped her hand in the water to feel the temperature when a pair of dolphins suddenly emerged from the depths of the ocean, their sleek bodies cutting through the water's surface. their tails flirted with the surface, sending sprays of glistening droplets into the air that sparkled like a fourth of july fireworks display, though it was a spectacle of water and an ordinary june day.

soleil's squeal of joy mingled with the crashing waves as she clapped her hands in awe. haechan watched in wonder, his eyes reflecting the same childlike fascination.

"woah! i have seen a dolphin before but never this close!" eager to capture the moment, soleil fumbled for her camera, her fingers trembling with excitement. she anticipated the dolphins' reappearance. her patience was soon rewarded when the duo leaped again, their synchronized dance captivating her lens.

she pointed her camera to the boy in front of her.

"haechannie, give me your best smile!" the camera clicked, freezing the moment in time as haechan flashed her a cheeky smile.

"gosh, you are so pretty", she couldn't help but murmur after taking a look at the photos she took of him.

haechan stopped paddling and pulled soleil closer to him, adjusting their weight so that they would sit still in the middle and balance out the boat. he looked over at the camera and then at soleil with so much intensity that the girl swore she almost let her inner french kiss him. the waters were calm, and haechan relaxed his head into the space on soleil's neck and closed his eyes.

"it's so peaceful..", haechan muttered, his lips muffled on her bare skin.

soleil embraced haechan warmly, running her fingers through his disheveled hair. she softly hummed a tender tune and, just like him, closed her eyes.

wearing a gentle smile, soleil gently rocked him in her arms, mimicking the gentle sway of ocean waves.

"if only we could stay like this forever."

south beach park, florida. 2016, june.

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