chapter seven

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night 6. today was haechan's birthday.

soleil tasted the essence of the vanilla moon, a delicate crescent much like her own eyes. her smile was pure enchantment as haechan brought her here to celebrate his 17th birthday, and also to bask in the night's celestial beauty. the darkness above held the most brilliant stars, each a shimmering jewel in the canvas of the cosmos. stars were soleil's absolute favorite, but there was one shining brighter than all the rest–the boy beside her.

"sol, do you believe in destiny? – that there is a fixed course of events that us individuals will experience, regardless of our choices or actions?" haechan asked soleil, he genuinely wanted to know her thoughts regarding such a matter.

soleil paused, her smile slowly fading as she considered the concept of destiny. did she believe in it?

she watched the stars blink and twinkle up above. there were still areas of the beach that they had not yet explored because it was so long and vast.

at present, they found themselves in riverside park. doyoung had accompanied the smiths and wouldn't return until the following day, hence soleil's presence with haechan. she did tell her mom about their celebration and seonmin teased her a lot back at the hotel they were staying at.

"hmmm... i think we were destined to meet each other, one way or another", she finally replied, her gaze fixed on haechan. the connection they shared had always felt like a cosmic alignment. they were still lying on the grasslands, wetness coating their backs and in their hands, they held sweet birthday cupcakes.

"–but do you think we're destined to fall in love?"

haechan was taken aback by her question.

he sat up and took a messy bite of the small cupcake.

"take a picture of me", he tells the girl.

"silly, you have frosting all over your face!", soleil giggled, pressing her lips on his cheek to remove the little bit of frosting.

"what?", soleil feigned innocent as she takes a bite of her cupcake.

"you just kissed me..", he stammered. haechan couldnt believe his eyes, his heart was racing at her unexpected kiss. it was just a kiss on the cheek, but it had the power to drive his sanity away.

"happy birthday, haechan", soleil snaked her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest.

just in time, a shooting star streaked across the night sky, and haechan couldn't help but make a wish. "i wish for many more moments like this with you, soleil."

happy birthday haechan.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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