chapter four

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yeomiji botanical garden, jeju-do. 2009, july.

the violent flutter of butterflies blocked her camera's view–and then there was lee jeno laughing at the background. little soleil was just trying to take a good picture of the chrysanthemums.

2016 soleil looked back at the saved memories in her camera.

–and then there was chenle from shanghai during their trip last 2012... they were posing for the camera so awkwardly! soleil giggled at the memory. chenle was a sweet boy.

those two encounters represented fleeting summer romances, but now, with haechan in the picture, soleil wished for something different. soleil did not want it to be temporary, fading like the passing seasons. no. she likes him. gosh, she has never liked someone this much, not even her previous boyfriend, and that says a lot.

the connection she felt with him in their first meeting was insanely strong and she found herself looking forward to every moment spent with him. his eyes–whenever he spoke about something he was passionate about–sparkled... and there was something about the way he carried himself... and there was an unexplainable familiarity in his smile, as if they had known each other in a past life. his name, haechan, rolled off her tongue as if it had always belonged there.

she couldn't make sense of it; love at first sight? maybe?

yet, amidst the rush of emotions, doubt crept into her thoughts. was she moving too fast with her feelings? what if he didn't feel the same way? perhaps she was confusing his kindness for romantic interest.

after putting the camera back into her sling bag, soleil's mother knocked on the door. they were to join her at the beach to relax.

they'll probably do rich people things with their fellow rich people, like usual. soleil disliked such gatherings; those kind of people drained her, she'd much rather go fishing or snorkeling! something that gives her thrill.

her mother and father were dressed in matching clothes, giving off a somewhat cheesy couple vibe, but soleil admired their relationship. she believed that if true love existed, it would be embodied in them. although her father could be strict and arrogant, his love for the family was unmatched, and he always wanted what he considered best for their only child, kim soleil.

"sweetheart" doyoung peppered seonmin with kisses.

"we look so cute, don't you think, sol?" doyoung smiled affectionately at his wife.

soleil could only cringe and nod, yearning to find a love like theirs.

"isn't it true? i heard from a friend of a friend that ceo lee had a child out of wedlock with a mere maid", mrs. sim gossiped with a foul mouth.

soleil was fed up with the endless gossip the adults were indulging in at the restobar.

"daddy, excuse me, i need to go to the restroom," soleil whispered to her father.

"sure thing", doyoung told her, then proceeded to engage in the juicy and alleged information leaked by mrs. sim. immature adults...

soleil went back to the beach in hopes of finding haechan.

there were many people today having a swim by the beach. the place was just as crowded as it was on her first day here.

in the sea of people, it's unlikely to find the tanned boy.

soleil took a refreshing plunge into the chilly waters, causing the tips of her pristine white dress to become wet. as she gazed at her reflection in the water, she noticed her blonde hair had gotten tangled due to the wind. nearby, she overheard a group of girls chatting in korean and could even distinguish the busan accent among one of them. wow, just how many more koreans are in this place?

"have you seen the cute boy over there?", the brunette said.

she looked over to where they were pointing at.

oh, haechan! soleil began admiring him from afar. haechan was on top of one of the many lifeguard chairs in the area. he looked very serious in his job.

"i have an idea", the brunette smirked and soleil's eyebrows furrowed.

she could see the brunette whispering something to her friends from her peripheral point of view.

soleil observed the group of korean girls intently. she's having a bad feeling about this.

with a dramatic flair, the brunette playfully pretended to be in distress, pretending to struggle in the water as if she were drowning. the other girls started shouting, drawing attention to their "friend" in need.

haechan, who was near the area, quickly noticed the commotion. he didn't waste a second and dived into the water to rescue the girl.

soleil watched as haechan expertly reached the brunette, ensuring her safety, and brought her back to shore. the other girls giggled, impressed with haechan's heroic act, who was unaware of the deceptive plan behind it.

as they got back on their feet, the brunette thanked haechan, pretending to be relieved, and acted as if she couldn't believe she #almost drowned. haechan, being the kind-hearted person he was, brushed it off with a warm smile and reminded her to be cautious while swimming.

"shall i make it up to you?"
"i'm park jenna by the way", jenna held out her hand for him to shake.

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