chapter two

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"you mean to tell me that you're just three months older than me?!" soleil exclaimed, looking at him in shock.

the two had been collecting seashells for quite some time now, exploring a secluded area of the beach that haechan had led her to. "yep", haechan confirmed, holding the small basket for her as she carefully placed the shells she had gathered onto her tiny palms.

"want to sit over there?" haechan suggested, pointing to a spot under a palm tree where a beach towel was conveniently placed.

"some of the shells have holes in them, and these bigger ones..." he picked up a shell and showed it to her, "–see the translucent film under them? we could sand it down and make a hole on it." haechan emptied all the seashells onto the beach towel, sorting them.

"stay here, sol. i'll go and get a rock", haechan said as he headed off to find a suitable alternative to sandpaper. nothing gets the work done like a rugged piece of stray rock!

soleil blushed at the nickname. though her close friends back in korea called her sol too, it somehow felt more special when it came from him.

sol, sol, sol.

he's driving me crazy.

"i'm back, sorry for keeping you waiting. i also found some dried seaweed washed up on the shore; it could make a sturdy string", haechan said as he settled beside her again, this time much closer.

soleil's breath caught in her throat; she could feel their elbows touching.

"have you picked the seashells you like?" haechan turned to face her, their faces now dangerously close. in that brief moment, soleil was able to count the moles that dotted his tanned skin.

"wow, you're beautiful", she couldn't hold back the compliment.

haechan almost choked on his spit, taken aback by her admiring gaze.

he tried to calm himself down.

think of beautiful things haechan, think of beautiful things..

but boy did it only make his heart race even more.

he saw you.

you were "beautiful things."

nah he's absolutely screwed; he likes you; and it's only been day two.

a season for everything, HAECHAN (❂)Where stories live. Discover now