chapter three

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soleil's father sipped his high-grade wine, indulging in the extravagance of their suite's balcony. as his daughter walked in, he glanced at her disapprovingly, "were you out with that korean boy again?" he asked, glancing at his watch, noticing that it was already past 7.

soleil was excited to share her day to her father. she proudly displayed the seashell necklace that haechan had made for her. "yes, and he made me this beautiful necklace as a gift! isn't it pretty?" she said, and her eyes were sparkling.

doyoung didn't even spare a glance at the necklace. he put down the wine glass on the coffee table with a thud, causing soleil's smile to fade, realizing his lack of interest.

"seashells," he scoffed when he finally looked at the necklace, "how common and unrefined. i suppose that's what i can expect from someone like him."

soleil's enthusiasm was now gone. she's hurt by her father's callousness towards both her friend and the heartfelt gift. she knew that her father had always been overbearing and judgmental, but she had hoped he would at least try to be more understanding.

"he's a really nice person, daddy, and besides, you haven't even met him yet", she tried to defend haechan. "we spend time together, and he's always kind and respectful to me."

her father rolled his eyes, dismissing her words as insignificant. "kindness is subjective, kim soleil. you should surround yourself with people who can elevate your status, not drag you down with their mediocrity."

her heart sank, feeling belittled by her father's words. she knew that haechan's cultural background had no bearing on his worth as a person, but her father's arrogance blinded him to such considerations.

"you just don't understand", she retorted, trying to keep her voice steady, though her emotions were getting the better of her.

but her father remained firm. "you know we're leaving in a month, or even sooner, once i get the papers signed with the maxwells."

soleil felt defeated.

"i-i'll be sleeping now, i already had dinner", she lied through gritted teeth, she knew that her father was right, and there's nothing she could do about it.

she could only trace the seashells with her fingertips, lost in her thoughts as she sat beside the open window in her spacious room.

she could almost feel haechan's touch again. the way he had gently swept her curls to the side, allowing the nape of her neck to be exposed... and how the sensation of his warm breathing against her skin sent shivers down her spine... he was so close, so focused–as he proceeded to tie the necklace, securing it with a double knot.

now, how is she able to remove the necklace without risking any damage?

she was left with no choice but to cut it with a pair of scissors.

although she grew up in a wealthy family, soleil valued sentimentality. she carefully removed two shells to reattach the necklace.

after placing the necklace on the vanity table, she undressed herself, contemplating the passage of time. the ticking of the clock seemed to taunt her, reminding her that they were leaving, regardless of her feelings on the matter.

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