Chapter 11 (Olivia's Suprise Birthday Party)

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Taeyang's POV

Well, Today is our sister Olivia's Birthday and we are all happy since this will be the first birthday with us as her new family. We all decided that today we would throw her a surprise birthday party at the company with the other artist as well as our boss. I made all the guys get up early so that we could do this, I gave each of the members a job to do while we get this set up for her. I also texted some of the other artists in the company group chat to see if they could free up their schedule so that we could have this party, a lot of them said that they would have to check with their managers but I also told the boss so I think he told them as well. The one that I gave the most important job to was Harrison which was to stay with Olivia all day until he got a test from me telling him to bring her. I hope that she will like it as well as maybe make some more friends since we haven't really had many of the other artists meet her since she was very shy with us at first so I'm hoping this goes as planned.

Heachan's POV

So, I was given the task of making sure that Olivia has the best time until later tonight so that we could all celebrate with her together although our China line isn't with us they did leave something for her that I know will make her happy/sad at the same time. I looked at the clock and saw that it was about 8:00 in the morning so I went upstairs to go wake her up, when I knocked on her door I heard her groan; making me laugh I walked in and smiled yelling "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIS", after I yelled that to her she just covered herself back up with the blanket but then I took it away from her telling her to get ready because we are going to go have fun. I left so that she could get dressed and I texted Johnny asking him where are some fun places that I could take her since this is really the first time that she will be having fun in Korea. He texted me back with about five places that I could take her and one of them was the beach which I thought was a good one since the weather is nice as well as it was the summertime. Plus we could go early in the morning for a walk without having to wear a disguise so that our fans won't see us but it's 8 in the morning I don't think the beach would have any of our fans yet. About 30 minutes later I heard someone coming down the stairs and saw that Olivia was ready.

"So, we are going to go to lots of places for your birthday but then at night we are going to come back here to celebrate together."

"Where is everyone else by the way? Not that I don't like being only with my twin, but I was just wondering?" She looked at me with sadness in her eyes. I looked at her and then hugged her

"It's a surprise," I told her smiling, when she saw that I was smiling she smiled back and just nodded her head in understanding.

"Would you be okay with going for a little walk on the beach?" I questioned her. She smiled and said it was fine. So we decided the beach was first so we got into the car with the driver and manager that decided to stay behind with us. When we were in the car our manager turned around to see both of us and gave Olivia a small bag, she opened it and smiled to see that it was a book that she liked called 'Max' which is by James Patterson. She thanked him and gave him a small hug before we left the garage to go to the beach. I asked our manager if we could listen to music and I told Olivia to pick her choice she choose to listen to country music but it was all in English so none of us knew it but Olivia; which was fine because she was singing to some of the songs making all of us in the car really listen to her because she had a beautiful voice. One of the songs I decided to record her so the guys can see since I can tell that if she was asked to sing in front of a lot of people she would be shy and wouldn't do it. About an hour later we made it to the beach, we looked out to see if there were so many people that we would have to wear a disguise or not. I looked out and saw that there were about 20 people there and so we decided that we weren't going to wear the disguise. Olivia and I got out of the car and started to walk the beach but after 10 seconds Olivia turned and asked me

"Can I take my shoes off I think I would like it better and find it a little bit easier to walk since this is very uneven?"

"Yeah that's fine, I'll do the same. Do you want me to hold your shoes for you?"I questioned her, she nodded and gave me her shoes. We then continued to walk but we also talked I asked her about some things that she likes so that I could help those that were shopping for a gift to give to her. I found that she likes wolves, books, coloring, sometimes drawing, and watching movies like Harry Potter. While she walked a little closer to the water I texted the group chat to let them know what I found she likes. After I texted them I walked into the water with her then she splashed some water at me which made me laugh but then splash her back we did that for a little bit then went back to walking when we saw that there were more people coming so I asked her if she wanted to stay for a little bit more or if she was hungry. She wanted to stay a little bit longer than going to eat, so we walk back and forth a couple more times then we walked back to the car before it started to get busy and fans would see me. We then went to a cafe that was near the beach to get something to eat as well as to get a cake for the party. We went in and I saw that Olivia was in awe with how much is in the cafe as well as it looks really pretty. I went to the counter and started to order I then asked her what she wanted to eat and she just order a drink and cream puff. I then paid for the food then asked Olivia to go find a seat for us to sit, I then turned back around to the person at the counter and asked them if they could make a harry potter themed cake for around 100 people for my sister's birthday, I then asked if they could write 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLIVIA' on the cake for me; I also told them that I would have someone come to pick it up later before the party starts, they asked for a number and I gave them mine because I will just have my manager go and pick it up. While I paid for that our order was done so I went to pick it up and go sit with Olivia. I made sure to stay alert just in case I got saw by fans since its still afternoon and we are close to the beach as well so they could see me, but we finished pretty fast and headed back to the car and I talked to my manager about picking up the cake when it is done before the party and he just nodded his head in understand and was fine with it. We then drove to a little amusement park where it wasn't to busy, we decided to play a couple of games me and my manager won the prizes for her but we also did let her play some games herself so that she would have fun too. Then she saw that there were roller coasters and wanted to find one, I looked at her and told her if she wanted to truly ride it she can so then she ran to the line so that she could ride it, we both ran after her. We did a couple of coasters, then I took her to the mall so that she could buy some things. We both went to a couple of stores that she wanted to go to, but then in one of the stores I saw Jisung and Jungwoo, so I made it quick that we leave the store and texted them that we saw them so they need to be careful.

Doyoung's POV

So, Jeno and Jungwoo, Mark, and I were told that we need to pick out gifts for Olivia for everyone that was going to be coming since some of the artists are busy before the party starts. At first, we kinda got some basic needs things like a Phone for her and a case and other electronic accessories, then after a while we got a text from Haechan in the group chat saying what she likes so then I told each one to go look for each of those items. Jeno went looking for things that have to do with wolves, Jungwoo went looking for different books that she may like, then Mark went to go get coloring supplies or art things, and I went to go get gift cards for things that had to do with Harry Potter. Our manager was taking the bags that we had for the basic needs things to the car and then we all went to go get her gifts. I do remember that the China members left some notes for her so I need to ask someone to go get those for her so we could put them with the gifts that we get her from them.

Jeno & Jungwoo's POV

Well, when Doyoung told us what we need to look for both me and Jeno went in the same direction but we stayed together so we first went to look for things that had to do with wolves since she likes them, so we went to a store that sells like plushes for kids and got a few for her but then they had other options so we got other things too, like a blanket, pillow, ears, etc after we brought them we told the person at the counter that they were a gift so if they could wrap every single one of them that would help a lot, while we were waiting for them to finish I saw Haechan in the corner of my eyes and tapped Jeno on his shoulder to tell him that I just saw Haechan, so we tried to hide so that Olivia doesn't see us and a couple of seconds later they left and after that, the person told us that they were done so we got all of the gifts meeting out the manager in the front to take them to the car so that we can get the books next hoping not to get caught again.

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