The spider family

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Two demon slayers walked in the thick forest. The trees were huge, insanely tall. The whole forest seemed to scream danger and terror.

"I don't like it here." One of the two demon slayers whined.

"Stop whining. We'll get this mission completed and then we can leave." The other one replied.

The other one continued to whine and complain.

"Uh, dude, you got a spider on your shoulder."

"Huh? Oh let it be. It can't do anything and it won't even try if it isn't in distress."

"Alright, suit yourself."

The two walked in the forest, trying to find any sign of a demon. They were quite unsuccesful.

"Ah shit!"


"The spider bit me-?"


"Uh- Well a spider bite isn't supposed to hurt and make me feel dizzy!"

"It's normal if the spider is poisonous."

"Oh so now I'm gonna die?!"

"Oh calm down. I got some medical supplies right here. I'll treat your wound- Ow fuck!"

"Oh what?"

"Oh for fucks sake a spider bit me too."

"Oh my god, can you just treat the wounds already?"

"Fine fine, calm down."

Before anything could be done the forest seemed to brighten. Had the sun already risen? Since when did these flowers grow there? The two were utterly confused.

"What the-"

Then, a beautiful young girl with black hair appeared from behind the trees. Her black silky hair was tied up in a bun that was decorated with hairpins. Her pink kimono had a floral pattern. Her chocolate brown eyes seemed to shine as she smiled warmly.

"Uh- um, who are you?"

She didn't answer, only smiled. She slowly approached them and reached into her kimono sleeve, pulling out what seemed like a small kinchaku. It was bright yellow and had a white polka dot pattern. She handed out the kinchaku.

"Fo-for us?"

She nodded. As she began to hand it to one of the slayers, the other one started seeing something else. For a brief moment it seemed like the bright light from the sun was gone and the flowers were decaying. The forest seemed as scary as it did a few moments ago.

The girl looked complitely different. Instead of having black hair, she had white hair that faded into a baby blue color at the tips. It also wasn't tied up in a bun, simply being down and decorated with white beads with red string and spiders painted on them. Her brown eyes were white. Her pale skin was as white as her eyes and was decorated with red dots. Her expression was complitely different. She wasn't smiling. Instead, she looked distressed and a bit nervous. The kinchaku she was handing out wasn't a kinchaku. It was a bundle of small spiders.

"Wait don't-!"

Before he could finish, the small spiders had wrapped around his friend and wrapped him from head to toe in what seemed like spider webs. The spiders retreated back into the girl's kimono sleeve. The girl took a slightly loose thread from the bundle that now held a human hostage and jumped up, taking the thread body bag with her. It was hard to see but the demon slayer concluded that the demon girl had tied the body bag onto a strong tree branch.

Once the demon girl jumped back down he took out his sword. He lost his friend becouse they dropped their guard. He had to kill this demon and he'd have a chance at saving his friend. He just hoped he wouldn't suffocate in those threads.

"I'll kill you demon!"

"Such empty threats... Maybe for once actually do something other than saying useless words...." She muttered.

"What are you talking about? I'll kill you!"

"...How are you going to kill me with that?"

He looked down at his sword. The blade was complitely missing. When he was in the shock, the demon girl already sent out new spider towards him. It was pretty much impossible to defend himself with just the handle of a nichirin blade. Another thread body bag decorating the roof of the forest.

Nezuko began to run back towards the house. On her way though she fell for one of his older brother's, Sho's, pranks. A strong web wrapped around her ancle and pulled her up. Nezuko screamed slightly.

"N-nii-chan! Let me down!" She stuttered.

Sho grinned. "No.~"

"Put me down, this isn't funny."

Sho laughed. Then Tanjirou walked into the scene.

"U-uh, nii-chan, please let Nezuko down-!"

"Don't tell me what to do."

"Sho." Rui's voice said.

Everyone stiffened.

"Let Nezuko down."

Slowly, Sho lowered Nezuko and Tanjirou helped her down.

"What have I told you about pranks?"

Sho stayed quiet. He knew that talking would just make Rui angier.

"Nii-chan, Nezuko, leave. I'll have a talk with Sho."

Tanjirou and Nezuko nodded stiffly, got up and ran. They couldn't risk angering Rui. The eventually reached the house where mother was outside sitting.

"Okaa-san!" Nezuko exclaimed.

Mother raised her head and smiled at Nezuko and Tanjirou. Nezuko sat down infront of her and mother began to take the white beads out of her hair. Tanjirou sat down next to mother. They all sat in silence as mother styled Nezuko's hair and put the decorative beads back into her hair.

"Rui got mad at nii-chan." Tanjirou said.

Mother made a 'mhm' noice. "Sho can be a bit of a prankster. The thing is that he just doesn't realize when he's gone too far."

Nezuko slight smile faded. "Do you think he'll get replaced? Rui nii-chan hasn't been really happy about his behavior these days."

"I'm not sure... It could be a possibility."

"Rui hasn't gotten angry with you lately." Tanjirou pointed out.

"He hasn't... Have I prehaps finally done something he wishes? Am I finally doing something right?"

Nezuko hugged mother. "You're always doing something right okaa-san."

Tanjirou also hugged her. Mother hugged them both back.

"Thank you... Thank you..."

As the three embraced eachother Rui watched from a distanse. The family was finally turning into a one he had always wanted. Tanjirou and Nezuko were really the ones he had been looking for. The family was slowly starting to come together. Mother was already acting more like a mother. That was one step towards the goal.

Nezuko's question earlier did make Rui think about getting Sho out of this family. But for now, he decided to let Sho stay. Until a better older brother would appear, Sho would stay. Same with father. He didn't act the best towards mother, but he did act like some kind of father to the kids. Unless he fixes his additude, he'll most likely get replaced once a better father appears.

For now, he just had to wait.

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