At the Hotel

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Me: yay! Chapter 2!
Dawn: is there any ikarishipping in this one?
Me: yes.
Dawn: yasssss!
Me: this one has quite a lot of each but it's a pretty short chapter... but anyway,
Everyone: enjoy!

1 hour later...

"Wow!" Misty ran into her room "everyone gets their own room?"
"Yup!" May answered "which is absolutely great!" Everyone scurried into their own rooms and put their things away in the space provided for them. Once they were ready they all went downstairs had dinner then, got ready for bed.
"Haaaa!" Cried Misty as she flopped onto her cushiony bed "this is great!" She soon dozed off into a luxurious sleep.

"Misty?" a voice whispered to her "Misty? Are you awake?" The girl stirred from her sleep and slowly opened her eyes.
"Wha-? What time is it?" She yawned.
"Um, half past one?" Ash said quietly
"What?! In the morning?! Ash, what are you doing here?"
"I um, well, you see... I was wondering if you..." His voice trailed off.
"Ash?" Misty cocked her head and looked into his chocolate brown eyes.
"I got scared." Ash finally admitted.
"Scared? But you've slept in forests and you sleep in your own room all the time," Misty turned on the lamp that sat on her bedside table.
"Yeah but, in the forest I usually have someone there too and I always have pikachu!" Ash explained.
"Well, what do you want me to do?" Misty asked.
"I was wondering if I could sleep in here." He mumbled.
"Uh, if I get caught by anyone, It will be held over my head 'till the day I die!" Misty cried.
"Not with you!" Ash hissed "just on the ground." Misty sighed.
"Fine, fine. Just, don't snore." She turned off the light and heard Ash throw a pillow and his blankets on the floor. Misty felt guilt rising up in her. She sighed.
"I better not get caught for this." She muttered to herself as she threw down her own pillow and blankets. It was cold on the floor. Misty curled up into Ash's chest. Lucky for her, Ash had fallen asleep almost immediately so, he didn't know she was with him. She listened to his steady breathing and the sound of his heart drumming in his chest. It was peaceful. She slowly drifted back to sleep.

Misty awoke to find herself in her own bed.
"Huh, must've been a dream," she gathered up an outfit for today and wondered off into the bathroom.

Unfortunately, the rooms all shared one bathroom. Whoever was in there mustn't have been thinking since they left the door unlocked.
Dawn was still half asleep and couldn't even hear the sound of water rushing in the bathroom. She pushed open the door and was almost scared to death. Lucky for her, Paul was just getting out and had a towel on. He screamed at her to get out while she closed her eyes and wondered around trying to find the door. It was all too much for her brain to take in, she had only just gotten up! She was positive she was heading in the right direction when she felt something, or more like someone. She ran into to Paul and fell on top of him. Dawn heard the door creaking open.
"What's with all the- Oh my gosh!" May took in the sight then quickly closed the door.
"No May it was an accident!" Dawn called after her.
"Get OUT!" Paul yelled at her. Dawn had just woken up. She was tired and overwhelmed and now, on the verge of tears. She started to cry.
"No, Dawn don't cry I-" Dawn ran out of the bathroom with her hands covering her face. Paul sighed "great, just great."

May had just gotten back from the bathroom, slightly traumatised and was gathering her stuff for the day. There was a knock on the door.
"Come in!" She called assuming it was Misty or Dawn. She was surprised when a boy with green hair entered her room. "Um, hi?" May said before she kept preparing.
"Hey, I uh, just wanted to say..." He started
"Yeah?" May said telling him to continue.
"Well, I..." Drew grabbed her around the waist and pulled her closer to him. "May?"
"Yes?" She tried to ignore the feeling that her heart was going to flutter out of her chest.
"I-" he was cut off by the door. Brock poked his head in.
"10 minuets till breakfa- oh! Sorry!" He walked back out. "Even kids have a better love life than me!" He cried. Drew whipped out a rose from behind his back and handed it to May then walked swiftly out of the room.

They had all come down for breakfast. Dawn and Paul just had some cereal as well as May. Misty had a pancake with maple syrup and Ash had three waffles and two pancakes covered in chocolate sauce.
"How could you eat all that?" May had question but he just shrugged and ate half a waffle in one bite. Drew and Brock had eggs and bacon. Misty noticed that Ash kept looking at her. She thought for a moment then shrugged and kept eating. As they all ate breakfast, a man came over to their table. Ash just assumed it was one of the staff here to take their plates. But the man walked over to Brock and asked them if they were staying in the rooms in 1872.
"Yes, why is that?" Brock replied.
"Well, you see, there are a few 'important people' coming from Unova and so, we are going to have to move you down to the middle class."
"Wait! How many rooms are there?" Brock asked
"Two. You will be staying in room 397." Brock sighed.

After they had finished breakfast they all packed up and took there things to there new room.
"Aw, I liked it there." Dawn complained.
"Well, the boys can stay in one room and we'll stay in the other." May resolved.
There were only two beds on each room. The girls sorted it out in an orderly manner.
"We can all take it in turns." Dawn said "you two can sleep on the the beds tonight and I'll sleep on the coach." They had it settled. The boys, well, they did it in a completely different manner.

Me: chapter 2 complete!
Ash: yaaaaay!
Misty: Ash, you are so embarrassing.
Ash: you slept on the same floor as me.
Misty: well, you slept on the same earth as me!
Brock: you're in loooooooooooove!
Misty: can it gangster!
Me: ooooookay? Well, I'm gonna go and get started on the next chapter soooo, thanks for reading!

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