Vivid Bad Squad: Opening

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------For clarification's sake------

"Characters speaking"

'Characters thoughts'


------Story Starts-----

My father has always been my aspiration as a Pokemon trainer

Since I was little, I had this idea of wanting to perform exciting battles that got people pumped the way my father did

Those vague ideas finally took shape as a dream on that fateful day

Ever since that legendary night...

"There are a lot of people here. Is everyone here for our returning champions?" A spectator said to another one.

"Looks like it. It seems like everyone wants to see how the returning Champions battle all the Elite four members consecutively," The other spectator responded before nearby lights focused on the battlefield as 4 trainers appeared on each side.

"This battle will be a six versus six. Only 4 Pokemon are allowed on the field at a time for each side. Are the rules clear?" The referee said as all trainers nodded, let the battle begin!"

Soon 8 Pokemon appear on the field as each trainer called their moves.

'Th-This is awesome! Super awesome, even!' A girl within the crowd thought to herself as she kept her eyes glued to the battlefield, 'It's so much cooler than his other battles... No! The coolest battle I've ever seen in my life!'

The girl was keeping watch on one Pokemon in particular, an Aegislash as it defended its partners with King's Shield while doing a counterattack using sacred sword.

'Look at how many people are totally digging Dad and his group's battle! Everybody's so fired up even though the place is packed... All I want to do is see more!' The girl thought as her Honedge came to mind while watching Aegislash's 'This is it. This is the sort of event I want to put on too, one day! And Honedge and I will succeed and surpass the back-to-back champions!'

Several Years Later

"Here's your coffee!" A girl with black hair with blue tips said to a customer.

"Thank you! By the way, have you found any other party members yet, An?" The customer asked An as she shook her head.

"No, not yet! I have been working on it but it's harder than it sounds!" She said as the customer grew confused.

"But didn't you turn down the offer a trainer had the other day? They were quite good too,"

"I mean, she was nice, but when I told her my goal was to defeat RAD WEEKEND, she insisted it wasn't possible," An quickly responded.

"Ah, the deal breaker for you..." The customer said before taking a sip of their coffee, "I kinda sympathize with her though. I can't even begin to imagine what an event better than that would be like!"

"Yeah, that's a normal reaction. But I'm still gonna do it! Right, Honedge?" An said as her Honedge came out of a dusk ball happily.

After several more customers come and go the cafe hours soon end as An was cleaning up.

"Dad! Cafe hours are over! I'm leaving now!" She said as her Honedge went back into its dusk ball.

"Another battle? Try not to get into much trouble!" An's father said as An simply rolled her eyes.

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