Wonderlands x Showtime: Opening

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------For clarification's sake------

"Characters speaking"
'Characters thoughts'

------Story Starts-----

I wanted to see my sister smile

Saki missed school a lot because of her poor health, so Nii-san and I were always thinking of ways to cheer her up

But there was little we could do at that tender age

One day, our parents took the three of us to a show

I'll never forget what happened that day

"Wow! So cool!" Saki said to both her bigger brothers, "You see how cool that person was, Tsukasa?! Shiwa?! They're all sparkly!"

"Yeah, that was really, really cool! Don't you think so too Nii-san?" Tsukasa responded while asking his bigger brother who nodded with a smile while his Pikachu sat on his lap.

"Yeah, Pikachu seems to agree with you," Shiwa said while smiling at his little sibling's excitement.

'I haven't seen Saki smile like this in forever! And it's not just Saki... That main performer's singing and dancing is putting a huge smile on Mom and Dad's faces too!' Tsukasa thought to himself, 'That must be why they call the performer in the leading role a star!'.

"This is so much fun! I never want it to end... If only we could watch this every day!" Saki said before her smile slightly dropped, "I know we can't because I'm not strong enough to go outside much..."

Tsukasa and Shiwa seemed to notice her mood drop as they started thinking of ways to make her feel better.

"I know! If we can't go to the show, then..."

Several years later

"This day… Is finally upon us,” Tsukasa said dramatically as he continued, “Clear skies and great weather Even the heavens are celebrating my debut in stardom!"

Tsukasa then looked outside as he closed his eyes while the door opened as his brother walked in.

"Ha ha ha! At this rate, they'll take one look at me during the audition and immediately accept my application!" Tsukasa once again said before a star hit his head.

"Keep it down Tsu, I know you're excited but Mom probably wants you to keep it low," Shiwa said as his Minior went back to its ball.

"Yeah, Mom asked if you could keep it down," Saki also said, coming from the door, confirming Shiwa's statement.

"Oh Saki, Shiwa. Keep it down? I'm just warming up… My vocal cords by talking to the wall!" Tsukasa said as Shiwa shook his head.

"So you're saying you were talking to the wall?" Saki said in a confused tone as Shiwa held his laughter, "Anyways, you're going for an interview for that new part-time job today, right? I hope it goes well!"

"Not an interview...an audition! It sounds cooler that way!" Tsukasa said before a star hit his head again.

"Think of this more of an interview if you want to get accepted," Shiwa said as he stretched his arms alongside his Alolan-Raichu while Tsukasa ignored him.

"By the way… How's school so far, Saki? You only just got better, so don't overdo it, okay?" Tsukasa said.

"Thanks, but I'm perfectly fine! I'm gonna live my high school life to the fullest to make up for lost time!" Saki said before pausing for a moment, "And I have Pichu to help me!"

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