More More Jump: Chapter 1

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------For clarification's sake------

"Characters speaking"

'Characters thoughts'


------Story Starts-----

The room is silent as Minori stares down at her computer alongside her Petilil sitting on her lap doing the same. Saku was in another room chatting with someone on the phone while her Klefki kept staring at the older girl

"Still no notification...I wonder if I failed another audition..." Minori said disappointed before her Petilil looked at her, determination visible in its eyes, "You're right, I can't think like that! There's still a chance! This time will be different for sure!"

She then gave Petilil a few small pets making the Pokemon wag its leaves happily. While all this was happening Saku could only let out a sigh as she placed her phone in her bag while her Klefki looked at her in disapproval.

"Klef, it's for the best, okay," She said.

Just then a notification sound was heard on the computer, "Oh finally!" Minori said as she stared at it with hope before hovering over the notification, "Please... Oh please... Here goes!"

Once the notification was clicked both Minori and Petilil grew disappointed with the results as Minori let out a sigh, "Another failed audition?" Saku asked her sister Minori nodded, "Anyways, We have to get to school now, unless you're planning on skipping of course,"

"Huh? Wait what's the time?!" Minori asked panicked as both she and Petilil quickly got up as Saku giggled.

"C'mon we can barely make it if we run," Saku said, "Klefki can you lock up!"

Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy

Minori and Saku barely made it to school Minori slowly panting from running, "Phew, I can't believe we made it but still..."

"I have to go Minori, don't go off all sad now!" Saku said as she quickly walked into school, leaving Minori to think about the rejection.

'That makes fifty rejections, I thought I had a shot after I passed the first round of applications, too...' Minori thought before Petilil softly hit her in the head, 'There I go again! Stop that! There's no use complaining over what's already happened! ARSUN's Haruka said it herself, "Tomorrow will always be a better day!" This audition may not work out but who knows what might happen next time!'

Just then her classmate came up to her, "Minori! Did you see the news?!"

"Hmm? No, I was kinda busy this morning. Did something happen?" Minori asked her Petilil poking its head out of her bag.

"They're saying ARSUN has disbanded and Haruka Kiritani is retiring from singing!" Her classmate said shocking both Minori and her Petilil.

Miyamasuzaka Class 1-A

"ARSUN is disbanding... And Haruka is retiring," Minori said in disbelief while her Petilil refused to come out of its Pokeball, 'But Haruka is the reason why I want to be an idol all this time. Why now?!'

"Hey, doesn't that girl look kind of like Haruka Kiritani?" A student said

"Huh? This is her! What is she doing here?! She's going into class C!" Another student said catching Minori's attention as Petilil quickly got out of its ball and sat on Minori's shoulder.

"Ms. Kiritani, are you sure you want to switch to the general education course?" The teacher asked, "Since you've already earned some, you could remain in the credit-based course,"

"Yes, I'm sure," Haruka asked her voice stoic, "I'm just a regular high school student now,"

Her presence alone was enough to get the whole class talking about Haruka and why she was here.

"Alright, everyone settle down," The teacher continued, "We have a new student joining us today, Ms. Kiritani would you please introduce yourself?"

Haruka quickly nodded before going in front of the class, "My name is Haruka Kiritani, and this is my partner Pokemon, Espeon. I enrolled here during Junior high school, but haven't really attended classes since starting high school because of work. However, I recently decided to quit in order to return to school and finish my education. It's nice to meet you all," Haruka said before going back to her seat, trying to ignore the crowd gathering in front of her class.

"H-Haruka? No way!" Minori said still in disbelief as the crowd began to grow louder

"Urgh... I can't stand it! I feel like I'm splitting in two!" Minori said concerning her classmate.

"Y-You're going to split in two?! Minori are you alright?" Her classmate asked.

"S-Sorry, I'm just so overwhelmed right now that I don't know how to feel," Minori said as she went deep in her thoughts while her Petilil sat on top of her head, 'Seeing Haruka right here in front of me almost makes me able to accept the fact that she retired... Still, I suppose even Haruka had to have been a regular girl before she became an idol right?' Minori thought before Saku came by.

"Hey! The bell rang a while ago, why are you still here?!" She said making the crowd of students disappear as they returned to their classes making Saku sigh.

After School Class 1-A

"Hey, let's see if Haruka wants to walk with us!" A student suggested to her friend, "We can ask her all about what it's like to be a celebrity!"

"We can't do that. Nobody just stops being famous for no reason," Another student said, "I'll bet it's something she'd rather not talk about,"

While they were talking Haruka was alone, "I wonder if there's somewhere quiet around here," Haruka said to herself before she received a message from a familiar girl.

Saku: by the way the rooftop is a good place to be if you're looking for somewhere quiet go to the rooftop

After Haruka saw the message she closed her phone before looking for the stairway to the rooftop.

Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy - Rooftop

"Alright, today's been a bit crazy, but it's time to pull myself together and get back to dance practice!" Minori said as her Petilil jumped out of her bag, "We usually stick to ARSUN songs but..."

Before Minori could continue Petilil grabbed her phone and pointed toward a Miku song.

"Yeah! Let's go with a Miku song today! her lyrics always cheer me up!" Minori said to her Petilil when the sound of a door opening was heard as a familiar girl with blue hair and her psychic Eeveelution came out of it.

"Oh..." Haruka said slightly surprised there was someone else on the rooftop.

"H-Haruka?!" Minori called out in shock alongside her Petilil who quickly fell to the ground unable to react.

------Story End------

Author here! I uhh... I may or may not have no idea how I will be doing Nightcord and Leo/Need so until I have an idea I'll be updating the ones that are already out. Sorry Niigo and L/N fans

Anyways adios, jane, goodbye

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