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South Park, Colorado. A place that's always snowy and mostly sunny. Where it's freezing cold when it's either day or night. But now, was early in the morning. South Park Elementary was getting ready for the day as many buses and students arrived. As the school's front doors opened, students crowed the hallways as they tried their best to get to their lockers. With many pushing and shoving their way though, the first bell ringed just in time. All the students got their school supplies as they went to their assigned classroom. The Fourth Graders' class was just as chaotic as the rest, of course them still being very young. "Alright class, calm down, we have many subjects to go over today," the Fourth Graders' teacher, Mr. Garrison, said. "Come on! Give us a break! Skewl sucks!" a more bigger-sized kid, named Cartman, replied back. Mr. Garrison sighed. "Listen, Eric. I don't need this right now. It's way too early to be doing this," Mr. Garrison said. "SKEWL SUCKS! SKWEL SUCKS!" Cartman chanted angrily. "ERIC SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!" Mr. Garrison yelled. Cartman finally stopped as Kenny snickered behind him. "Shut up, Kinny!" Cartman pouted. Stan, Kyle, and Kenny then laughed as Cartman sat there with pure anger on his face. "Alright class, today we will be learning about Fractions," Mr. Garrison said. "GOD DAMMIT!" Cartman shouted. "Shut up, fatass!" Kyle shouted back. "Eric, is there a problem?" Mr. Garrison asked, trying to keep calm. "I DON'T WANNA DO FUCKING FRACTIONS THEY SUCK ASS!" Cartman shouted once more as he slammed his fists on his desk. "That's it! Principles Office, now Eric!" Mr. Garrison ordered. Cartman made little angry noises as he got off his chair and headed out the classroom door. "Alright class, now where were we.." Mr. Garrison traced back his steps as he was able to finally teach the class.


After the first few hours of school, it was now lunch. All the students got their lunch as they sat at their tables. "Hey guys, guess what," Cartman spoke, eating some of his lunch. "What, fatass?" Kyle asked. "You guys know that kid with the blue hat and the one with the crazy yellow hair, right?" Cartman said. "Uh, we have no idea what you're talking about," Stan replied. "Wait, are you talking about that uh, Craig and that Tweek kid?" Kyle asked. "Yeah! Yeah them! You guys, I was thinking, what if they fought each other?" Cartman stated his idea. "Why would you come up with that?" Stan asked. "I mean, come on you guys! Craig and Tweek fighting? That would kick ass!" Cartman exclaimed. "But they don't even know each other, so why would they even fight anyways?" Kyle asked, sort of confused. "That IS the point, Kahl! They have no idea, so that would make them fight even more brutal!" Cartman encouraged his friends to agree. "Well uh, I-I'm not so sure about this," Kyle replied. "Yeah, me too," Stan said. "Come on, you guys! Kinny, what do you think?" Cartman asked. Kenny just shrugged, not really knowing what to say. Cartman scoffed as he had gotten no answers, eating the rest of his lunch. Afterwards, the bell ringed once again as it was now recess. All the students went outside excitedly. The four main boys went together out on the snowy ground. Cartman made his way out first, keeping his eyes out for two boys called Craig and Tweek. Quicker then he expected, he found them. He sneaked over to Craig while his friends weren't looking. He approached the mostly blue-clothed boy. "Hey uh, Craig, how's it going dude?" Cartman asked, trying to act casual. "...What do you want," Craig said in his nasally, monotoned voice. "Well, I was by that kid over there, and he said that you're mom is a hore," Cartman said, pointing over to Tweek. 

"He what?!" Craig's eyebrows furrowed downward fast as he stomped over to the boy. He forcibly turned him around, quickly realizing that something was clearly wrong with him. "Did you call my mom a hore?!" Craig asked in anger. "W-What?!- GAH!- N-No!" the twitching boy said. Craig thought he was lying, rage building up inside him as he started to fight Tweek. "YEAH! YEAH GET HIM! THIS IS FUCKING SWEET!" Cartman exclaimed, seeing the fight he wanted to happen come true right in front of him. Stan, Kyle, and Kenny ran up to all the commotion as other kids were cheering on the fight. "What the hell is going on?!" Stan asked in shock. "I have no idea!" Kyle replied back, him and his friends watching the fight go down. But then, Cartman quickly came up to Tweek's ear. "I heard Craig called your mom a slut," Cartman whispered. Cartman then back up from the fight as Tweek screamed and twitched in rage, continuing to fight Craig. Soon, the Counselor, Mr. Mackey, came to the rescue. "Hey! Stop the fighting, m'kay!" Mr. Mackey announced, trying his best to break up the fight. 

After what felt like forever, he got the two enraged boys to stop, taking them both back inside the school as the other students followed in. Mr. Mackey then brought the two boys to the Counselor room, them sitting on separate chairs as Mr. Mackey sat in his. "Alright, so you two fought outside, and I would like to know why, m'kay," Mr. Mackey said. "Cartman came up to me, and said that he called my mom a hore!" Craig said, pointing at Tweek. "W-What?!- ACK!- I-I told y-you I- AGH!- d-didn't!" Tweek replied, twitching nervously. "Then why did you scream at me?!" Craig asked. "B-Because C-C-Cartman- GAH!- s-said you c-called m-m-my AGH!- m-mom a s-slut!" Tweek exclaimed. "M'kay boys, m'kay. Just calm down, m'kay?" Mr. Mackey assured, the two boys turning back to him, trying so hard not to get mad at each other again. "Here uh, how about you go on back to class. You boys can come back here anytime, m'kay?" Mr. Mackey spoke. The two boys got off the chairs as they went out the door, going back to class.



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