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Tweek ran down the sidewalk as fast as he could, screaming in panic. "TWEEK! TWEEK WAIT!" Craig yelled, running after the twitching blonde. "GAH!- L-LEAVE M-M-ME AGH!- A-ALONE!" Tweek yelled back, breathing in and out heavily. He continued running away from the blue hat boy as he saw a familiar building up ahead. It was his parents' coffee shop titled 'Tweek Bros. Coffee'. This alarmed Tweek as he quickly kept running to the building, soon getting there as he ran inside. His parents heard all the commotion. "Tweek? Tweek what's wrong?" his mother asked, pouring in some coffee in a little red cup. "GAH!-" Tweek screamed, running into the back room as he slammed the door shut. "Hm, I wonder what's wrong with him," Tweek's mother said. "I'm sure he's fine. He might need some more coffee," Tweek's father guessed. Then, the shop's front door swung open as Craig came inside. "Where's Tweek?" Craig asked, catching his breath from running so much. "Oh, Tweek? He went into the back," Tweek's mother pointed to the door near where she was standing. Craig then went over and opened the door slowly, using his eyes to look around the somewhat dark atmosphere. There was only one dim light lit, so it was kind of hard to see for him. "Tweek? Tweek are you in here?" Craig asked, slowly closing the door as he took small steps into the dim room. He then heard a familiar scream, turning his head to see the twitching blonde drink coffee quickly as he very out of control. Craig went slowly over to Tweek. "...Look, Tweek, everything is alright. You just need to calm down," Craig said, leaning down to Tweek's level. "AGH!-" Tweek screamed in response, shakily drinking more of his coffee. "...Cartman was just being a smartass," Craig assured.

Tweek just sat there, still twitching as he thought what Craig said. "...Don't ever, ever listen to that fatass...he's a piece of shit," Craig said. "GAH!- Y-Yeah! H-H-He ACK!- is!" Tweek replied, drinking a few more sips of his coffee. "...Yeah, and that whole thing Cartman said about us kissing is a joke...he's just messing around with us," Craig said. Tweek nodded a bit, twitching some more. "...Do you feel better knowing that now?" Craig asked, standing up as Tweek did the same. "GAH!- Y-Yeah," Tweek replied. "...Alright, well, what do we do now?" Craig asked. "AGH!- I-I don't k-k-know!" Tweek said. "...We could go back to school, but it's almost time for it to end, so might as well not go back," Craig stated. Craig then thought for a moment, Tweek refilling his cup with more coffee. "...Hm, we could go to my house if you want," Craig said. Tweek twitched there, sipping some coffee as he then nodded. "...Alright, let's go," Craig said, him going to the door and opening it, letting Tweek go out first as he went out afterwards, closing the door. As the two boys made their way to the shop's front door, Tweek's father took notice. "Son, where are you going?" his father asked. "GAH!- I-I'm going w-w-with AGH!- C-Craig!" Tweek said. "Hm, Craig? Is that your friend right beside you?" Tweek's father asked. "...Yeah, I'm Craig, Craig Tucker," Craig said. "Alright then, Tweek I'll let you go with your friend for now, but make sure to come back so you can test this new coffee," Tweek's father said. Tweek twitchingly nodded as him and Craig went out the door, them walking down the sidewalk together.


During halfway in their walk, Tweek sort of peered down to Craig's right hand, which was in his blue jacket's pocket. "GAH!- W-Wait! I-I thought w-we had t-t-to AGH!- h-hold hands o-out in p-p-public!" Tweek exclaimed. "...Uh, why?" Craig asked. "S-So people t-t-think GAH!- t-that we're t-t-together, l-like ACK!- you s-said in t-t-the p-plan!" Tweek said, twitching still. "...We only do that at when we're in school, not out here. People won't care, so we're safe," Craig explained. Tweek twitchingly nodded as him and Craig continued their walk. After what seemed like a lot time, the two boys finally made it to Craig's house. "...Here we are," Craig said, him and Tweek going up to the house as he opened up the door. They both stepped inside, Craig closing the door. "...Let's go to my room," Craig said, him and Tweek going up the stairs. Once there, Craig opened his bedroom door as Tweek went inside. His eyes went a bit wide as he twitched a little, not knowing Craig would have lots of space-like items and themes. Craig closed his bedroom door, then heading over to his bed as he sat down on it. "...So, what do you think?" Craig asked. Tweek was still looking around the space-like bedroom, then turning to Craig. "GAH!- I-It's really c-cool!" Tweek exclaimed. "...I'm glad you like it. I've always been into many movies about space, books, and even TV shows. I just think it's really fascinating," Craig said, grabbing a small, toy spaceship he had on his nightstand.

This caught Tweek's interest, him going over to Craig as he sat beside him. "ACK!- W-What's t-t-that?!" Tweek asked as he kind of twitched. "...I'm not sure actually. I don't really know what it is, so I've been doing some research on this spaceship. All I know that it's a cool spacecraft," Craig said. Tweek listened, looking at the neat spaceship. Craig noticed that Tweek had calm down immensely, seeing that he wasn't twitching as much. "...Wow, you're actually calm for once," Craig said. Tweek's head perked up at the blue hat boy, looking right at him. As they both basically stared at each other for what seemed like seconds, Craig turned his gaze off somewhere else. "...I'm going to get changed," Craig said, getting off his bed as he went to grab his pajamas from his closet. "ACK!- H-Huh?!" Tweek was confused at what Craig was doing. Craig took off his blue hat, revealing his dark, black hair. He then unzipped his blue jacket as he tossed it on the carpeted floor. Suddenly, Craig tugged at the bottom of his blank, white shirt, pulling upward as he it off of him. This made Tweek burst in shock, having some blush appear on his face from looking at the now shirtless Craig. "GAH!!!-" Tweek screamed very loud this time, covering his blushed up face his hands, twitching frantically. "...You should have looked the other way," Craig said, now taking off his pants as he threw it over with his jacket. "AGH!!- Y-YOU SHOULD H-H-HAVE GAH!!- W-WARNED M-ME!!" Tweek screamed once more in his covered up face. Craig then put on his pajamas, of course the shirt and pants being a teal color with small spaceships patterned around it. Craig then went over to the twitching blonde, sitting on the bed next to him as Craig glared at him.



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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