|✧| 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓 |✧|

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Thought the rest of the day, Craig and Tweek were together in the hallways, the classroom, basically everywhere. During now was lunch as every student was eating their packed or trayed food. Craig and Tweek got their food as they went to a table for themselves. They sat together, setting their lunch on the table. Craig started to eat his food, Tweek sitting there in a twitching state. Craig took notice quickly. "...Is everything alright?" Craig asked, taking a bite from his sandwich. "AGH!- N-No!" Tweek exclaimed, trying hard not to spill his coffee by his spastic shaking. "...What's wrong?" Craig asked, taking a sip of water. "W-Why are w-we GAH!- s-sitting t-together?!" Tweek asked. "Because Tweek, we have to stay together so people will believe that we are, even though we're aren't," Craig explained. Tweek just twitched in response, shakily drinking some of his coffee. As they both sat there, a particular someone came up to them. "Hey there, fellas!" Butters exclaimed. "...Hi," Craig said. "Are ya guys happy being back together again?" Butters asked. "...Uh, yeah," Craig replied. "Well I'm glad! I'm so happy that I helped ya Craig!" Butters exclaimed with joy. This made perk upward. "W-What?! ACK!-" Tweek exclaimed. 

"...U-Uh, nothing Tweek it's no-" "Well, I decided to help Craig get you and him back together! I told him extra things he might need to help him!" Butters explained, interrupting Craig. "W-What is h-he GAH!- t-talking about?!" Tweek asked, looking over at Craig in a panicky state. "...Nothing, just ignore him," Craig said. "You should trying using one of those tips I gave ya later! I bet it will help!" Butters exclaimed. Now was the time for Craig to use his defense as he lifted up his middle finger. Butters looked at him with a sad expression, walking away. "...There, he's gone now," Craig said. "W-What was he GAH!- t-talking a-about, Craig?!" Tweek asked once more. "...Like I said, it was nothing. He's just making stuff up," Craig said. "B-But he s-said ACK!- he h-helped y-you!" Tweek exclaimed. "...No, he didn't. He's lying. I only came up with the plan. It didn't include him," Craig replied. Tweek just twitched there like always, taking another shaky sip from his coffee.


After lunch and the last class for the day, all the students went to their lockers. Craig was at his locker, putting some items away. But, he didn't realize that someone approached him. "Well, well, well, if it isn't a local gaywad," Cartman snickered. Craig closed his locker as he grabbed his backpack, turning his head to look at Cartman. "...What do you want," Craig said. "I just wanted to ask if you could a small favor for me," Cartman said. "...If it's to fight with Tweek again, I'm not doing it," Craig said, beginning to walk away. "Wait! Wait! It's not that!" Cartman replied, stopping Craig in his tracks. "...Then what is it," Craig said. "I think you and Tweek should make out," Cartman said. "What?!" Craig exclaimed, not believing what he just heard. "What? Besides, you two are going to do it anyways, so might as well," Cartman explained. "No, we aren't making out, we aren't doing anything!" Craig said, pushing Cartman to the side in anger as he walked away. "Hey! That fucking hurt you gaywad!" Cartman yelled as he furrowed his eyebrows downward. Craig turned around quickly and gave Cartman his signature middle finger. Cartman, of course, did the same thing back. But, instead of one like Craig did, he did two. Craig rolled his eyes, turning back around. "Fucking gaywad," Cartman said under his breath, walking to his three friends. Craig still walked down the hall, going to Tweek who was struggling to get his stuff out of his backpack. "...Do you need help?" Craig asked. Tweek flinched a bit by the sudden appearance. "GAH!- Y-Yeah!" Tweek exclaimed. Craig then leaned down a bit, taking some school supplies out of Tweek's backpack. As he grabbed one by one and placed them in his locker, he noticed that his backpack was filled with lots of coffee stuff. "...Uh, what is all this?" Craig asked. "T-That's my AGH!- s-stuff I m-make my GAH!- c-coffee w-with!" Tweek replied

"...Why do you have so much of it?" Craig asked. "B-Because I-I ACK!- n-need coffee!" Tweek exclaimed, forcefully taking his backpack away from Craig. "...Uh, alright then," Craig was very confused, but he didn't care. He then closed Tweek's locker door, seeing that Tweek kept twitching like always. "...Do you always do that?" Craig asked. "GAH!- D-Do w-what?!" Tweek asked back. "...Twitch all the time," Craig said. "M-My parents say t-that GAH!- I-I s-suffer from ADD- AGH!-" Tweek explained. "...I doubt that," Craig replied. "GAH!- W-What?!" Tweek exclaimed, twitching still. "...I mean, look at you. You do not have ADD," Craig said. "H-How do y-you ACK!- k-know?!" Tweek asked. "...Trust me, I know," Craig said. Suddenly a familiar kid walked by the two boys. "Hey there, Craig! Don't forget to use one of those tips I told ya about!" Butters reminded. Craig gave him a somewhat death stare, Butters feeling very threatened and scared as he walked fast away. 

"...Don't worry about Butters, he can be a fucking pest sometimes," Craig said. All Tweek did was just twitch there, Craig staring at him. "GAH!- W-What?!" Tweek asked, noticing Craig staring at him. "...Nothing, let's go," Craig said, suddenly taking Tweek's hand as they both walked down the entrance hallway. All the students around the hallway cheered as they saw the two boys. "HEY! GAYWADS!" a familiar voice shouted towards them. The students stopped cheering as they saw the overweight kid come stomping near the two boys. "I see that you two are holding hands. Well, why not make out now, just get it over with," Cartman snickered. This got Tweek alarmed badly. "GAH!- W-WHAT?!" Tweek shouted. '...Oh shit,' Craig thought. "GAHHHHHHH!! T-THIS IS T-TOO MUCH P-PRESSURE!!" Tweek screamed as he ran down the entrance hallway, exiting the school. "Tweek! Wait!" Craig exclaimed, running after the twitching blonde.



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