|✧| 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐 |✧|

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As the school day slowly went by, it was finally over for the day. The students packed their backpacks and headed out the school's front doors. The four main boys walked together down the sidewalk as they talked. "Man, you guys, that fight kicked ass!" Cartman said. "Yeah, whatever. You made two kids fight for no reason!" Kyle said in annoyance. "No, you're wrong, Kahl. Tweek called Craig's mom a hore, and Craig called Tweek's mom a slut," Cartman added. "No! You told them to say that to each other, fatass!" Kyle replied. "No, Kahl. I was just telling them how to fight better," Cartman smirked. Kyle sighed as he facepalmed. "Come on, Cartman. Stop lying." Stan said. "I'm not lying! You guys just don't know, not one bit," Cartman said. "See?! Look! He always tried to find a way to defend himself!" Kyle stated, Stan nodding in response. After all the chatter, the boys kept walking as Cartman saw a familiar kid. Cartman then ran over to the kid, Kyle suddenly realizing. "Cartman! Shit!" Kyle exclaimed, him, Stan, and Kenny running after the overweight boy. Cartman quickly came up to the blue hat kid that he met once before. "Hey there, Craig. So uh, did you have fun fighting that Tweek kid?" Cartman asked, trying to act cool. Craig just looked at him angrily, now walking away. "Wait! Wait! Where are you going?" Cartman asked, going in front of Craig to make him stop in his tracks. "...I'm going away from you," Craig said, pushing Cartman to the side as he kept walking away. "Damn, you made him pissed off," Stan said. "Yeah, Cartman! Look what you did!" Kyle added. "Look, you guys, I know what to do," Cartman said. "Mhm?" Kenny questioned. "Heh, you guys just have to wait until tomorrow," Cartman said, giving a somewhat evil grin as he walked away from his three friends.


School was back at it again. Students came in quickly, going to their lockers as they grabbed their stuff. Craig, being a student himself, did the same thing. Afterwards, he closed his locker as he grabbed his backpack, heading his way towards class. But, something caught his attention. Looking to his left, he saw a few girls on the small stair-looking steps. They all had notepads and paper out, art utensils scattered around them. Craigs raised one of his eyebrows in confusion. He went over to the girls, going more near them. "Uh, what are you doing?" Craig asked. One of the girls perked up, seeing the boy in front of her. "We are making these," the girl said, handing over a piece of paper to Craig, which he took. As he looked at it, he couldn't believe his eyes. It was a anime-like drawing of him and Tweek together in a loving state. "What the hell is this?!" Craig asked, confused and angry. "당신과 당신의 남자 친구를 그리기," one of the other girls said. "What did she say?" Craig asked. "I don't know. She's Korean, I'm Japanese," the girl replied. Craig didn't care, he needed to find the answer to all this. "Me and Tweek aren't together! Why are you drawing us this way?!" Craig asked in demand. "Because someone said you were, and they told us to draw you and that other kid," the girl responded. "Who did it?" Craig asked. "Hm, I believe it was a boy named Eric, but I'm not sure," the girl said, now going back to her drawing. Craig thought fir a moment. Eric...who could be named that? After what felt like minutes of thinking, he suddenly realized. Anger boiled up inside him quickly as he fast walked to the four boys, who were still at their locker. 

"What the hell is this?!" Craig asked, showing Cartman the drawing. "Oh, well the Asian girls thought you and that Tweek kid looked cute together, so they're drawing you and him. You should be grateful that-" "No! You're lying! You're fucking lying!" Craig yelled in Cartman's face. "The Asians do find you and Tweek very good together," Cartman smirked. Craig just wanted to punch the living hell out of him, but he knew he would get in serious trouble if he did. Resisting the urge, he backed up from the overweight boy, crumpling up the drawing as he threw it in the trash. Cartman watched in horror as his plan went down quick. "GOD DAMN IT! I was so close!" Cartman pouted. "Uh, what are you talking about?" Stan asked, him and the two other boys coming near Cartman. "I'm trying to get Craig and Tweek together so they can look like FUCKING GAYWADS!" Cartman shouted in Stan's face. 

"God! Calm down!" Stan said, backing up a bit. "Look, you need to stop getting on them. I mean, why even bother?" Kyle asked. "Because it would be fucking funny that's why! They're gonna look like little pussies!" Cartman stated. "Dude, I don't think this is a good idea," Stan replied, Kyle agreeing. Cartman pouted even more this time. "Well, screw you guys, I'm going home!" Cartman said, taking his backpack as he walked away. "This is going to go wrong very, very fast," Kyle said to himself. "Yeah, you got that right," Stan added, Kenny nodding in response. Craig was still walking down the hall until finding a nearby bench to sit on. He placed his backpack beside him, sighing as he sat there. Seeing all the different kid going down the hallway he was at, he noticed one kid that was very familiar. Hearing the kid making sounds and was twitching franticly gave it away instantly. It was Tweek, Craig looking at him as Tweek gave a glance back. Craig gave him the middle finger with pure anger, Tweek frightened as he quickly went into the classroom. Craig sighed once more, thinking about the certain drawing he once had.



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