|✧| 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑 |✧|

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As school kept going on like usual, Craig seemed to notice more drawings of him and Tweek coming from many girls. He was getting sick of it, wanting it to just end entirely. When class was over, he walked down the hallway, seeing another group of girls. But, these girls looked familiar. He came up to one of them, who had their back turned. "Hey! Why are you drawing that?!" Craig asked in a demanding manner. The girl turned to face him now, then realizing who it was. "What are you talking about?" the girl wearing a pink beret with long, black hair asked. "Why are you and your friends drawing these, Wendy?!" Craig asked again. "Oh, well we're not drawing them. Some of the Asian girls at are school gave us some of their drawings," Wendy explained. This shocked Craig so bad that he couldn't believe it. "I'm surprised that you and Tweek are together, I had no idea," Wendy said. Craig clinched his fists tightly. "ME AND TWEEK ARE NOT TOGETHER!" Crag yelled, forgetting that he was in a hallway full of students. Everyone looked at him, some confused, but most of them shocked as they whispered to each other. Craig realized quickly, still being silent was he walked away. As he made his way down, he suddenly bumped into someone. "ACK!- S-Sorry!" a certain twitchy boy said. Craig looked, seeing the franticly twitching blonde. His face showed anger as Tweek saw. Craig pushed Tweek out of the way. 

"W-Wait!- AGH!- H-Have you s-s-seen these- AGH!- d-drawings?!" Tweek asked, holding one of the drawing up to Craig. Craig furrowed his eyebrows downward, seeing the drawing. "...Yeah, I've been seeing them, everywhere," Craig replied. "E-Everywhere?!- GAH!- T-This is t-too much p-pressure!" Tweek exclaimed, tugging at his incorrectly-buttoned, navy-green shirt. "Yeah, and this kid named Cartman told some of the Asian girls that we were together," Craig said. "W-What?! B-But AGH!- we're n-not!" Tweek replied. "I know, so we have to do something about it. We can't just let them keep doing this," Craig said. "S-So what GAH!- d-do we d-do?!" Tweek asked, twitching still. "Well, people think that we are together. So, what if we pretend to break up. People won't think we're together, even though we weren't in the first place," Craig explained. "W-WHAT?!" Tweek asked in disbelief. "Look, I know it's weird, but it's a plan that could work if we stick to it," Craig said. Tweek stood there for a moment, still twitching as usual. "A-Alright- ACK!-" Tweek agreed. "Okay. So, just like I said, all we do is pretend to break up. Be dramatic, but not too dramatic, so people think it's real. And afterwards, everything will go back to normal," Craig explained. Tweek nodded twitchingly. "Alright, see you at school tomorrow," Craig said, walking away. But, as he did, Tweek looked back, staring at the blue hated boy as he continued to walk away.


As so, the next day of school came along. The students rushed inside as Craig and Tweek did the same, but going to another area of the school. They went over near the center of the room. "Alright, so, just act dramatic. Make it look real. Don't screw up," Craig said. "GAH!- I-I don't k-know i-if I can- AGH!- d-do this!" Tweek exclaimed, tugging at his shirt once more. "Just act natural. Don't think about it. Just do it and it will be all over in the end, just don't screw up," Craig assured. The last part worried Tweek to death that he still kept twitching, but even a bit more this time. Craig looked around the room, seeing a few kids entering. "Alright, let's do this," Craig said. Tweek quickly nodded as they both got themselves ready quickly. "Listen, it wasn't my fault! That person that you saw on my phone was just a friend!" Craig said suddenly, Tweek quickly realizing that he was in the fake act. "W-Well, w-why- ACK!- d-did the m-message s-say GAH!- 'I-I love y-you'?!" Tweek asked, himself giving into the fake act as well. "That's because we're friends, Tweek!" Craig replied back. More kids came in the room, hearing all the commotion. "N-No! I-I- AGH!- s-saw the o-other m-messages too!" Tweek said. "I'm telling you the truth, Tweek!" Craig said. Then, the four main boys entered the room, seeing the two fighting boys. "N-No! Y-You're a- GAH!- l-liar! Y-You c-cheated- ACK!- on m-me!" Tweek exclaimed, getting more angry in the act, Craig taking notice. 

"U-Uh, I think you're being too dramatic-" "N-NO! Y-You have AGH!- s-spikes! Y-You h-have GAH!- spikes!" Tweek interrupted Craig as he walked away. Craig was honestly astonished. He never Tweek could act like that, but of course, he took it too far. Everyone in the room looked at Craig with anger or with shock, believing what happened was true. Soon, everyone left the room as the four boys went up to him. "Damn, Tweek sure did get to you," Stan said. "Are you alright, Craig?" Kyle asked. "...Yeah, I'm fine," Craig said. "Are you sure? You seem upset about this," Stan added. "I'm not upset, okay?! Me and Tweek aren't together, and I'm happy just the way it is!" Craig said, now in anger, grabbing his stuff. "W-Wait! We can help you Craig!" Kyle said. "...I don't need help," then, Craig walked out of the room. "Damn, what a pussy," Cartman said. Kyle punched him in the arm hard. "OW! What the hell was that for, Kahl?!" Cartman asked, rubbing his arm. "Shut up, fatass!" Kyle said. "Guys, can you stop fighting for once?" Stan asked. "I'd like us to, but fatass over here won't stop making comments!" Kyle said. "No, it's just that Kahl likes to use his angry Jew powers," Cartman snickered. Kyle was close to snapping at this point. "Kyle, don't!" Stan said, pulling Kyle back away from the overweight boy. "We gotta figure out if we can help Craig and Tweek over this, and I think I know just the person to help us," Stan said. "Who?" Kyle asked. Stan gestured a hand, basically saying 'follow', as the three boys came with Stan.



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