|✧| 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒 |✧|

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As the main four boys walked down one of the hallways, Stan came up to the person he thought would help. The other three boys stood there in silence, not believing who Stan chose. "Hey there, fellas!" Butters exclaimed, smiling happily. "Dude, he's helping him?" Kyle asked, still not sure if Stan was being serious. "Yeah, I thought he could at least do something," Stan replied. "Wow, Stan, wow. You're seriously letting this little pussy help that gaywad?" Cartman asked. "Yes, and we're not going to fight over this. You're going to help, right Butters?" Stan asked. "Yep! I sure am!" Butters exclaimed back. "I-I'm not sure about this," Kyle said. "Why?" Stan asked. "I don't know, what if Butters screws everything up for Craig?" Kyle added. "Yep, you have a point right there, Kahl," Cartman replied. "Please let me help! I-I'll try my very best!" Butters pleaded. "Then go ahead, Butters. Show the gaywad your not a pussy," Cartman snickered. "Shut up, Cartman!" Kyle shouted at the overweight boy. "I think Craig is around somewhere. You can go find him Butters," Stan said, him and the other three boys walking away. "Oh geez, well, guess I gotta find Craig myself," Butters said, walking down a random hallway. As he did, he looked everywhere, but he couldn't find him. But, he then went down one hallway, seeing the blue hated boy sitting on a bench. 

"Hey there, Craig!" Butters exclaimed, coming Craig as he sat down beside him. Craig looked over at him slowly. "...What do you want," Craig said in his usual, nasally monotoned voice. "Well, I heard ya were feeling down, so I came to make ya happy!" Butters exclaimed. "...I don't need that right now," Craig said, turning away from Butters slowly. "Aw, c'mon! I bet ya do! I know you're sad, I can tell!" Butters said. Craig ignored him, just carrying on with himself. "C'mon, Craig. Why ya feeling so sad?" Butters asked. "...Why do you need to know," Craig said, now looking at Butters again. "Because I wanna make ya feel better!" Butters exclaimed. Craig sighed, thinking about it. "Take ya time, no rush!" Butters assured. As seconds passed, Craig had the courage to bring it out. "...I...I feel bothered by something...I think it has to do with that fight me and Tweek had...I-I just can't stop thinking about it," Craig explained. Butters listened, hearing every word Craig said. "Well, maybe you should talk to Tweek! Maybe he'll give ya an apology! Butters suggested. "...It's not that easy," Craig said, sighing once more. "C'mon, I know you can talk to him! Just start out with something simple and work your way up!" Butters exclaimed. "...Even if I try to do it easy, he'll freak out like he always does," Craig replied. "Well, it's always good to give it a try!" Butters assured. Craig thought about it for a second. "...I'll try," Crag then got up from the bench, going down the hallway. "That's it, Craig! Go get 'em!" Butters exclaimed, seeing the blue hated boy walk away from him.


Craig quickly made his way down every hallway, but he couldn't find Tweek. He knew he wasn't in the classroom, since he checked there first before. The only place he hadn't check was outside. He opened up the doors to the playground, stepping out onto the snowy ground. He walked, using his eyes to look around himself. Once seeing his surroundings, he finally saw a familiar, twitching blonde boy. Craig quickly came up to him, seeing that he was sitting on small, concrete steps. "...Hey," Craig said. This made Tweek flinch badly. "GAH!- W-What do y-you ACK!- w-want?!" Tweek asked in a panicked manner. "...I just want to say that I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I made you act out. I'm sorry that I did the plan. It was stupid of me and I shouldn't have thought of it in the first place. I'm sorry," Craig said. "Y-You're GAH!- s-sorry?!" Tweek asked. "...Yes, yes I'm sorry," Craig said again. Tweek sat there for a moment, taking in this moment. "It's...i-it's a-alright," Tweek said. But, this shocked Craig, seeing that he didn't yell. "Wow, you did scream this time," Craig said. Tweek nodded frantically a bit, the twitching coming back quickly. As silence was broken up by Tweek frantic sounds, the two boys didn't really know what to do. "...Soo, uh, is there anything you have in mind?" Craig asked. "GAH!- n-no!" Tweek replied. As they both thought, Craig came up with something. It definitely was out of character, but he thought it could work. "Hey, uh, remember we did that whole thing of us 'breaking up'?" Craig asked. "Y-You mean t-the AGH!- a-act w-we did?!" Tweek asked. Craig nodded as Tweek thought about it.

"Well, I was thinking if we could pretend to get back together, things would be better for us and for other people," Craig explained. "T-That's what y-you GAH!- s-said last t-time! L-Look what ACK!- h-happened!" Tweek explained, twitching still. "I know, but this time it will definitely work. You have to trust me," Craig said, holding his hand out towards Tweek. Tweek's eyes widened, not expecting this. He got up from the small steps slowly, restraining back. But, gaining some sort of selfness, he put his hand out slowly, going near Craig's. Then, he grabbed onto his hand, feeling the grip. "Alright, let's go," Craig said, suddenly taking Tweek with him as they both entered the school. As they both walked together in the hallway, some of the students that were there saw this with their own eyes. Some were shocked and some were confused, but that was to be expected. The four main boys were in the hallway as well, seeing Craig and Tweek go down it. Butters came along to, seeing the two boys holding hands. "Yay! I did it! I made Craig happy again!" Butters cheered. "Wow, he actually did it," Kyle said, surprised as Stan agreed. "Mfph mrph, mmrph!" (Translation: "Good job, Butters!"), Kenny exclaimed. "Thanks, Kenny! I tried my best, and I did it!" Butters replied back, the boys and all the students seeing the two, holding hands as they continued their way.



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