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i'm sorry

i didnt realize you still felt
that way since all we've done
is have sex whenever youre
able to with soccer and stuff


yes yes football sorry

its fine

i just dont like you flirting
with other guys in front of

i understand that

ik we arent tg so its not justified
why i feel like this

but i cant help it yk?

youre gorgeous, always been there,
have been my best friend for longer
than anybody else in my life

youve got a way with words that
can make anybody like you

youre so important to me in every
way i just cant help but feel sick
to my stomach when i see you
with anyone else

just want you all to myself


sorry got me teared up a bit

im sorry

but it had to be said

thank you yoichi

that means a lot

but since youre still in bluelock,
i think we should take it slow
and see where this takes you, okay?

or maybe ill change my mind,
but i still wanna explore my
options why i can

oh okay

i understand

you wanna go fuck someone
from the gc and see if theyre
better right?

yoichi fucking stop


i didnt mean it like that

i just dont wanna have to do
long distance with my bf

my feelings are still the same
as they were back then

but with you away so long its

i know

im sorry for leaving you like
that sweetie

ill make it up for you on this trip,


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