MAYA, a girl who goes through life with an unwavering smile-around other people that is. While juggling four jobs to support her father and a side hobby of modelling, Maya is rarely at home-to her content. Even through the mental and physical turmoi...
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I FINALLY MADE it to the club! It seriously felt like an eternity at the coffee shop. Working here is totally my favourite out of all my jobs! Even though the outfits are kinda uncomfortable and some people can be a bit creepy or mean, I always rake in the most tips here, and dad loves tips! At the library, I don't get any, and at Bean Haven, the few I make get divided among all the baristas, so I usually end up with just a couple of dollars.
I never actually know what dad does with my tips after I bring them home, but as long as I bring in more than two hundred dollars, he's a happy camper. Last night, he was practically over the moon with happiness when I got him that blueberry bottle, and then he asked— actually told me (you know how dads can be) to get him peach. I'm happy too as long as he's happy.
Oh, and Nisha is the sweetest girl! I returned her shirt today, and she tried to let me keep it, but I insisted on giving it back. We made plans to grab coffee next Tuesday! I'm beyond thrilled to have a chance to make a friend. I absolutely adore other people, even though they don't like me much.
Okay, so the change room situation at the club wasn't the most fun experience. A group of waitresses barged in all at once, and I kinda sensed it wouldn't be a sunshine-and-rainbows moment. But I tried to be considerate, moving my stuff to make space in case anyone needed a locker on either side of me, And then I stayed super quiet, so I would attract attention.
"Nisha, hey!" One of the girls says to Nisha, who's on the other side of the dressing room, she's pretty, long blonde hair and bright blue eyes, the group flocks to Nisha as they follow the blonde.
"Hey Danny, what's up?" Nisha asks, pulling her long brown hair into a ponytail.
"Nothing much, we're all going to Munchies after work, we wanted to know if you wanted to come?" One of the other girls suggests.
"Yeah I would love too, who's all going?"
"Everyone that's working tonight," Nisha looks at me and grins, I'm happy to know she'd be exited it I went but I hear one of the girls whisper "not her." I frown, that's hurts a little bit.
So does Nisha. "Why not Maya?" She asks. I feel a little fuzzy inside because she wanted me to come.
The girls snicker. Then look to me. "She's not 'aloud'" Danny says, using finger quotes.
Dad doesn't really let me go out with friends, he says if I have time to hang out with people, I have time to be working.
The girls laugh under their breaths. "Oh?" She looks at me, her head tilted.