MAYA, a girl who goes through life with an unwavering smile-around other people that is. While juggling four jobs to support her father and a side hobby of modelling, Maya is rarely at home-to her content. Even through the mental and physical turmoi...
MAYA, a girl who goes through life with an unwavering smile—around other people that is. While juggling four jobs to support her father and a side hobby of modelling, Maya is rarely at home—to her content. Even through the mental and physical turmoil, the brunette fights past it all with a smile and positive attitude.
KILLIAN, a man driven by one purpose. Money. The best assassin with most accurate shot in all of New York. Charm and pleasantries are strangers to him, residing outside the realm of his vocabulary.
But what happens when he runs into one of the waitresses at his club and spills a drink on her?
What happens when he receives a hit on, said waitress?
Will he go through with it and kill the annoying girl that's been plaguing his mind?
C H A R A C T E R S:
❀ Maya ❀
Nineteen, 5'3
"Because why would I frown and make someone's day worse, when I can smile and possibly make it better?"
"I like it, it makes me feel pretty."
"I try so hard to be the person everyone needs, and somehow I'm somehow I'm still everyone's second choice."
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✩ Killian ✩
Twenty three, 6'3
"Because why would I smile and have people think they should come up and talk to me, when I can frown and silently tell them to fuck off?"
"I fucking hate other people."
"You're perfect, yeah?"
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"Her green eyes connect with mine for a couple seconds before she smiles and puts her book down, leaving it open and facing the floor so she doesn't loose her page.
I put my book down and close it. I'd much rather look at her than some ink on a page."
T R I G G E R W A R N I N G S Please read!
• Abuse, verbal and physical — written and described
• Sexual assault — insinuated and lightly written
• Mental health — insinuated and described
• Death — frequently mentioned and written
Please take care of yourself and seek help if needed. This will be the only warning before you begin reading.
S M A L L D I S C L A I M E R:
This is my first book and although i am proud of and work hard on every chapter I release, I'm still figuring out my writing style. I always re read chapters MULTIPLE times before posting the, so there's no need to worry about inconsistencies in the plot or characters, just possibly in the way the story flows, (the length of chapters, the structure of sentences etc..)