MAYA, a girl who goes through life with an unwavering smile-around other people that is. While juggling four jobs to support her father and a side hobby of modelling, Maya is rarely at home-to her content. Even through the mental and physical turmoi...
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"SHE'S AT THE CLUB."she's at the club? I furrow my eyebrows. "your trackers wrong." i say into the phone.
Nisha scoffs, "im never wrong."
i exahle a chuckle through my nose and hold my phone between my cheek and my shoulder, going to back to typing on my computor "looks like theres a first time for eveerything because the only people here are Micah and some girl."
"well..." she sing songs.
"what?" i push my head furthur into my ear and narrow my eyes at my screen as i try to read the small italic text on it.
"Ella didnt walk and Micah left early"
"i thought you said he had other plans and wasnt going."
"turns out his 'plans' were watching the show with Maya." i hear her crunch, probably salt and vinegar chips. she loves salt and vinegar chips. It was the first thing she bought after our first hit. We'd cashed a thoulsand dollar check and on the way home she insisted that we stop at the corner store so she could buy her salt and vinegar chips. "you know, i think theres something going on there." i can imagine her nodding at herself through the phone. "there always toguether... and shes micahs type. Short, sweet, way to innocent for whatever he'd want to do with her..."
"i stopped listenign after i figured out that the fifteen minute phone call i got from you begging me not to make you go because it would be "so boring" was for nothing." I deadpan.
"well either way... Ella Moore is in the club right now ready for you to shoot, so go get it over with." and she hangs up.
I sigh, roll my eyes and finish typing out my sentence befor getting up. I take the gun resting on the side on the table id been working on and tuck it into the back of my pants before making it out towards the bar. Micah is facing me when i round the corner, leaving the girls back to me. Her head rests on her hand, her long, straight, brown hair falls past the table top. The hand not holding her head, slaps the table as she laughs. It'll be a shame get ride of the sound forever. Its quite a nice sound, smooth, like caramel; Its soft despite its volume.
Micahs eyes connect with mine and he straightens up, slowly putting down his glass with wide eyes. His gaze flickers over to the girl in panic, then back to me, then back to the girl. When he finally makes eye contact again, i roll my eyes. God forbid someone ruins his chances of getting laid.
i walk up to the table, "Micah." i greet, nodding my head.
"Ian." he greets back, rather nervously.
The girl whips her head in my direction, bright blue eyes conect with mine before realization crosses her features. Looking back at me, with eyes almost as big as micahs, is Lacey.