MAYA, a girl who goes through life with an unwavering smile-around other people that is. While juggling four jobs to support her father and a side hobby of modelling, Maya is rarely at home-to her content. Even through the mental and physical turmoi...
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THE CAR RIDE isn't awkward.
I thought it would be, since Killian isn't really the chatty type, but I've been keeping myself entertained with my own thoughts.
I explained to him that I lived in the next town over, and while he gets there I've been watching him. Watching his hands turn the wheel, this thigh bounce at red lights.
While watching him, my hazy thoughts circled him. Why wasn't he yelling at me for breaking the law? Why wasn't he firing me for stealing alcohol? Why wasn't I allowed to use his nickname? Why was someone like Stefan aloud to call him Ian but I still had to call him Killian? Was I a worse person than Stefan?
Screw that. If Stefan can use a nickname so can I. He doesn't like Ian? Fine. I'll call him something else.
Lian? Ew.
Illi? No.
Kill? Meh.
Illian? Might as well just use his full name.
Jackass? Accurate.
Killer? Hmm. I kind of like that.
I make a mental note to call him Killer next time I use his name. I see the welcome sign that signals we've reached my town and suddenly feel nauseous. It's too early to go home.
"Wanna stop at the McDonald's when we pass it? I'm kinda hungry." I ask, hoping to buy some time.
"Do you have money?" He retorts.
I feel the pockets of my jeans, "Not with me." I say sheepishly.
He barely glanced at me before saying, "Then I guess you can eat at home."
We barely have food at home. "Can we go anyway? I'm starving." I add a nervous smile that he doesn't see because he's watching the road.
"Fucking entitled." He whispers to himself, "You steal booze, from your place of work— my club, underage, and not only do I not call you on it, I drive you home." He glanced at me in disbelief, then scoffs, "...and now you want me to buy you McDonald's."
I feel shame and embarrassment creep up my neck, he's right, why should he buy me food after everything else he's done tonight. "Yeah you're right I'm sorry." I rack my brain for something that won't cost money, but when I can't think of anything, I suggest the easiest thing for him. "You can just drop me off here."