GHOST!!! (3)

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"okay, now. Can you try holding on to the car?"

"I am not going on that."

"We can't walk till there? It's really far?"

"I am not getting on that."

"But, it will take more than 3 hours to get there"

"No, it is a no. I will not get on that."

I sigh and look at the ghost.

She doesn't wanna get in the car with me for some reason. She is saying that she would rather walk.

But I should be the one who would be walking. Not her.

It was 2:39 in the night, and we were standing out with my car in front of us. She just stands behind me while I am trying to make her come inside with me.

"So, why is it that you don't wanna go?" I asked her and crossed my arms and looked at her.

"You can't see the guy? Sitting inside your car?" She said and fear took over my body. I refused to see my car now.

But I had to. I slowly turned towards the car and looked inside but I didn't see anyone.

"I don't think I can see him."

"Huh~ maybe because your power is decreasing?"

"That means I can't help you anymore!?"

"Oh... But if that brings you peace. Then I don't mind." She said and floats closer to me and pats my head with a smile.

"NO! OKAY! WE WILL WALK! I WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON YOU!" I shouted and tried to hold her hand but I forgot she was a ghost.


"Hehe, okay~" she said and held me by my chest and just floated while I got to drag her.

She was like a cape.

I walked for 30 minutes straight and stood for a second trying to give some break to my legs.

"You don't have to do this..." She whispered and held me tighter.

I sighed and started to walk, somehow I managed to walk for an hour without any trouble.

It was past 4 now. We are almost there.

I was breathing so hard. I could feel my steps get slower and slower. And...

"Oi, ghost.... Is it me or are you getting more transparent than before?" I asked her and looked at her hands which were wrapped around my chest.

"It must be your power wearing off."

"That means you can't hold on to me anymore?"

"No, that means that you won't be able to see me."

Oh no. I don't wanna lose now. Just 5 more blocks and we will reach there.

"Okay, hold on tight!" I said and removed my jacket and tied it on my waist and started to run.

I better make it before the clock hits 5.

I ran and ran until I reached the hospital.

"FINALLY!" I said and looked at the ghost who was smiling at me.

"Now! Let's go in soon! You are fading."

"Wait? Visiting hours are over and you are way late and early." The nurse who works there stopped me that means the ghost can't go without me.

"Please let me go!" I said and ran towards the elevator. Leaving the nurse behind.

I made my way to the 2nd floor and ran towards the door of room 23 but I fell down.

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