P L A Y I N G T H E G A M E - C H A P T E R 12

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Chapter 12

Casper found Creanna sitting on a park bench under a big shady tree. Her face was sitting in her hands blocking her face but he recognized the shapely body in the white halter top and a pair of jeans even sitting down. Her chestnut brown hair was straight down to the tip of her ass and her toes were painted a bright pink color.

Like she sensed him close by Creanna's head suddenly snapped up. When she saw him walking towards her, she got up sprinting to meet him halfway. Casper was surprised when she rushed him with a hug because usually she would try her best not to stand within three feet of him. The dinner he took her out too last time probably loosened her up a bit.

"Thank you so much for coming," Creanna said pulling back. "I know this is so sudden but I just needed someone to talk too and I don't have anyone except my sister. The one you meant at the club." Creanna said.

Casper didn't actually remember who this sister was exactly because he was entertaining lots of women that night so he just skipped over the question.

"So what's the matter," he asked wondering why she called him.

"I'm sorry, can we walk and talk please." She asked.

Casper nodded as they began to slowly stroll like they were on a date.

Creanna sighed, "My aunt was shot...five times." She lied. Instantly the palm of her hands got cold and clammy and her throat got dry. Creanna sucked at lying and hated lying to just about anybody. It made her feel really untrustworthy and disgusted with herself; but she was sure lying was gonna have to be part of this game she was playing with Casper if she wanted this to work.

"Oh shit...word?" Casper asked wide eyed.

"Yeah. I'm sorry I just..." Creanna trailed off blinking back tears as she fanned her face. The only reason she was able to produce real tears was because it was something that truly did happen, just not to the person she said it happened to. "She was on her way from the grocery store when she was hit by stray bullets." Creanna knew the story sounded way too close to what happened to Santana, but she wasn't worried about Casper finding out who it really was. "She's in critical condition and she might die. She's my favorite aunt. I'm in so much debt. Her hospital bill is ten grand because they have to do surgery to get the bullets out. My whole family is pitching in..." Creanna cried. "I'm just so stressed out."

Creanna dug into her purse and pulled a tissue out. She dabbed her nose then looked out straight ahead. Casper noticed her freeze and peer out at something. She then began to swipe at her eyes as quick as possible then sucked the tears up like she was trying to hide it before unexpectedly taking off.

Casper watched her run off to a little cinnamon toned girl with a green dress on and a long French braid to the back of her shoulders. Brittany. Casper closed his eyes for a split second and reopened them just watching the two from a distance. This wasn't the area Brittany lived in but it was walking distance from where she lived.

He watched Creanna hug her and a small smile came to his face when Brittany smiled and hugged her back. He watched Creanna turn around and point toward a small blue and white cart that sold ice cream. Brittany nodded her head anxiously and Creanna raised up and took her hand taking her to the cart.

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