P L A Y I N G T H E G A M E - C H A P T E R 21

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Chapter 21

"Okay you're definitely good to go. You're arm is going to be a little sore which of course is normal. The injury was not that serious, but still try not to use that arm so much. At least for three weeks and you should be set. I'll be back with the prescribed medication for you along with your release forms so you could go." The nurse smiled. She opened the door and left, leaving Casper and Creanna in the room alone.

When he passed out on her in the car he had gave her the scare of his life. He hadn't passed out because he died or from blood loss, he had blacked out from the sight of his own blood. Creanna knew that happened to some people but she would never think Casper would be one of those.

She smiled, "You probably shoot people as a hobby but you can't stomach the sight of your own blood?" She said gently pulling his cheek. "You're such a wuss."

"Fuck you mean, blood look nasty." He chuckled, sitting with his elbows propped on his knees on top the examination table.

It got quiet resulting in Creanna getting serious. She began rubbing the lower part of his arm, staring at the metal staples they used to stitch his wound close on the upper part of his arm. "How do you feel?"

He licked his lips, a big smile on his face as he moved his shoulder around, "Shit, I gotta give it to whoever the fuck that was. Bullet got a nigga thinking he was gonna lose his arm an' shit."

Creanna bit her bottom lip. "I'm sorry..."

"Fa' what?" He asked, still busy playing with his shoulder, checking out his new battle scar.

Creanna felt like he could have almost died because of her. Even though he just fainted that could have easily been him taking his last breath and she just sat there screaming, doing nothing as he bled out. She didn't drive the car like he asked her too because she was scared of getting into a serious accident and hurting him anymore than he was. She just felt bad because he did everything for her and the most important time he needed her, which was to save his life she didn't even attempt to.

"I could have helped but instead I just sat there screaming and crying. I'm sorry, I was just so scared..."

"Naw, don't do that ma, c'mere," Casper said pulling her between his legs by her hands. "I shouldn't have put that pressure on you. You ain't shoot the car up and you ain't shoot me so I shouldn't have asked you to put your life in danger and do something I know you don't know how to do. You did the right thing not driving, that Mercedes-Benz is a rare ass color, gon' fuck around and scrape all the paint off that bitch and get my shit totaled."

Creanna didn't smile because she honestly felt so useless at the time. She had managed to calm herself down after three minutes to call the ambulance but he could have died in those three minutes she took just to find her phone.

The car ended up getting towed; but only to be taken to an auto body shop for repairs. All the windows were gone and the car took a few bullet holes. But it wasn't wrecked to the point it couldn't be fixed.

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