P L A Y I N G T H E G A M E - C H A P T E R 24

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AN- Only 3 more chapters left guys!

Chapter 24

Feeling hands on her, Amal managed to open her eyes that were heavy with sleep just barely enough to see Casper. He was no longer in the bed next to her, but standing over her. She noticed him pull the sheets all the way up to her neck, then begin to walk away. "No baby, come back." She groaned, reaching out and wrapping her hand around his wrist.

Casper kissed her forehead, "Sshh, I'm just going to the bathroom, ma."

As soon as he said that she let go of him and relaxed, closing her eyes.

Amal didn't know how long she fell asleep but she knew it couldn't be long because when she opened her eyes, she saw Casper slip a shirt over his head and now he was fully dressed. She rubbed her eyes, looking at the clock on her dresser which read 5:49AM; and although she couldn't see outside because the curtains in the room were pulled across, she could hear the heavy rain coming down damn near harder than a rainstorm.

She watched Casper grab a set of keys she assumed to be his car keys as he walked toward the bedroom door. She sat up, wrapping her naked body in the white sheets. "Hey..." She whispered, the soft angelic sound of her voice floating through the room barely above a whisper.

Casper froze and looked over his shoulder, not expecting her to have woken up again. He smiled and walked over to her trying to lay her back down. "Go back to bed ma, what you doin' up so early."

Amal ignored him, kneeling in the bed so they were eye level. "You just told me you were just going to the bathroom and now you're fully dressed. Why'd you lie to me? It's pouring outside and it's early in the morning, where are you going?"

Casper smirked and gave her a smile that warmed her heart. Even though it was a smile she knew he usually gave her when she was being slightly annoying.

He pecked her lips, wiping her mouth with his thumb afterwards. "Chill out ma, I promise imma be back. I just gotta rap to somebody about something right quick."

"So you couldn't just say that? Why did you have to lie to me Joseph? You're not telling me something."

"Shawty, everything good, just—"

"Joseph," Amal said leaning her head to the side, her lips in that pout he loved so much. That look always got to him. "Just please, tell me. What's going on?"

Casper sighed, taking her hands off his face which made her heart drop. "Aight." He stayed silent, looking past her at the wall like he was building the courage to give her dreadful news. He huffed, then looked her dead in the face moments later. "I made my choice, Amal."

She furrowed her eyebrows and was about to open her mouth when she realized what he was talking about. She looked his fully dressed appearance up and down, taking in that it was early in the morning which led her to realize he was planning to sneak out. She gasped, looking at him like he stabbed her in the heart.

She got off the bed with the sheets still wrapped around her body, looking at him like he was from another planet. "So you were just gonna leave me and not say anything? What was I suppose to just figure it out once I woke up and kept calling you and you wouldn't answer?" She said, her voice cracking as tears filled her eyes.

Casper sighed and walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge of it. He rubbed a hand over his waves then rested his elbows on his knees. "Just c'mere ma, lemme talk to you." He said so low he barely even heard himself.

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