P L A Y I N G T H E G A M E - C H A P T E R 26

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Chapter 26

Casper stared at Creanna as she looked at the wall in front of her, purposely avoiding eye contact. He was getting more mad knowing that she was right there and he couldn't even do anything to get to her. He tried to move his arms but it was only making things more worse for him—the tightness of the chains only pinching and leaving nasty prints against his skin. He sighed and relaxed, dropping his head back, as he finally gave up. He bit his bottom lip and closed his eyes, marinating in the thousands of mixed emotions he felt.

Yo' how the fuck could she do this to me?  Casper asked himself. He was so shocked he was still contemplating if this shit was a joke. To think Creanna would be one person who would turn on him like that. The thing that hurt the most was that he could tell this shit had been planned out for a long time. It would of at least made him feel better if he didn't know her and she was just some chick that got him stuck up or something; but she been to his house, she met his sister, he told her things he never thought he would speak about again. He let her into his heart and he told her he loved her. So, he wanted to know why. Why'd she have to play a game with him when she could have just killed him way before they had to get to this point.

Casper slowly opened his eyes again and was met with Creanna looking back at him. He stared back into her glassy brown eyes. Those innocent eyes he use to love to look into when he teased her. Those same eyes she would always look away from him with if they held eye contact for too long. I wondered if that's why she could never look me in my eyes like that.  He thought, wondering if it was because she knew what she had planned for him.

Casper had so many questions for her but yet his mouth wouldn't allow any words out. He just stared at her not sure if any emotion was showing on his face or caring for that matter either. He was numb to anything right now. He wasn't afraid to say she broke his heart and he was sure she could see it through his eyes as she stared back at him as tears filled her own eyes.

Creanna felt like complete shit as she looked at Casper. Tears fell down her cheeks looking at the hurt in his eyes. She put a hand up to her mouth feeling like she was about to throw up. Never had she felt like this before. She was so regretful but she knew there was nothing she could do now. She loved the shit out of him but she was in love with Santana a little more. Because while her and Santana have something, her and Casper were only building something.

"Joseph," Creanna croaked, taking slow steps towards him.

Since Santana left it'd been quiet between the two. Casper hadn't made a sound and Creanna too scared to say anything to him, dared not talk; but now as the hours passed the guilt was eating her alive. She needed to at least give him an explanation. He deserved it.

"Joseph..." She said again, getting closer. She knew she was safe if she went near him. He could barely even move. "I know this is stupid but please don't be mad at me. Please don't..."

Casper just stared at her at her as if she didn't speak.

"This isn't personal. I don't have anything against you. I love you so much and I know you don't believe that for a second but I do! I'm so sorry Joseph!" She said, bursting into tears. "Oh God I'm sorry!"

Even calling the Lord's name made her cry even more. Creanna knew she was getting a certified spot in hell. No she knew Casper wasn't a saint—but he was a saint to her and definitely didn't deserve this from her. Creanna dragged her feet as she walked over to him, she dropped to the floor and put her head in his lap instantly feeling him stiffen up in return.

"Joseph I didn't do this because I was mad that you picked that girl over me," Her muffled voice said. "This was planned out from the start."

Hearing that hurt Casper. He tried blocking Creanna out as she began to cry, but he couldn't. Her sobs pierced through his heart like an arrow. Not because her crying got to him. It annoyed him, it angered him even. She had no reason to cry.

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