Cocktails of Chaos

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Heads up on this story... It deals with drug and alcohol use, plain and simple. In addition to that, there are some suggestive comments relating to romantic and intimate activities from your favorite Karbie... As usual, nothing in detail, but fairly close : ) Barbie and Ken are adults now, engaged to be married! It happens!


It was a beautiful sunny morning on the island of paradise. Oahu was showing its truly miraculous wonders; the tropical birds were chirping, the frisky lizards scurried happily up the mango tree, the warm ocean breeze blew through the Lemon Avenue yard.

Barbie breathed in deeply, inhaling the floral scents and salty perfume all around her. Early June was one of the most peaceful yet exhilarating times of the year for her adopted little island. Her teeth glistened as the sun shone down on her face and her beaming smile, warming not only her skin but her soul.

The landlord had recently built and installed a pool for the duplex's tenants, so on days like today it was a wonderful opportunity to kick back, relax, and soak in the glittering refresher in their newly constructed in-ground lagoon.

"Ahhh... what a beautiful morning", Barbie greeted the day. She went to remove her swimsuit cover, but an odd sight caught her off guard...

It was Ken.


Just... standing. By himself. No one else. With a cup of coffee.

Barbie saw him just calmly there on the back patio to her left, staring at the neighbor's yard... So she walked a couple steps over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist lovingly, nuzzling her nose into the crook between his shoulder blades.

"Morning Hun..."

But he mumbled and grumbled slowly instead of returning with his usual sweet nothings and adoring kisses.

Barbie paused and stepped back. Rounding his body, she glanced up to look at him upon hearing the low tone and noticed a sour look on his face. She puckered her brow, her hand still on the small of his back.

"Ken? What's wrong?"

Her fiance lowered his eyes more disapprovingly as he took a slow, deliberate sip of his coffee. He sighed heavily and nudged his head towards their neighbors' shared backyard with a grunt.


Barbie looked over to the other side of their backyard with the other tenants in their duplex. The other side of the house belonged to an older couple, perhaps in their early to late sixties. Mr. and Mrs. Rickar, who moved in seven months after they did, were nice people, but they kept to themselves mostly. No issues at all. Retirees who were out traveling more often than not.

She glanced around, peering left and right among the plants, trees, flowers, lawn ornaments, swing, and green grass. When she didn't notice anything crazy or out of the ordinary, she shrugged helplessly with a slow "Uuummm... what am I supposed to be looking at?"

Ken snorted and gestured at the one little tree with disdain.

"That! That, right there!"

Again, he was met with silence... Barbie closed her lips and stared up at him. He grimaced and flung his hands roughly towards the area closest to their patio.

"They planted a banana tree, Barbie! A banana tree! Can you believe it?!"

His fiancee finally saw the little tree standing there; a little fruiting sapling propped up with guiding support sticks. And upon realization of his intended offense at the 'vile and nasty food', Barbie pursed her lips tightly to stifle her humor. She had to turn away slightly to cover up her growing smirk. When she forced a serious face, she cleared her throat and turned back to him, nodding vehemently in his favor.

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