001. dad's return

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Bonham rolls the dice, everybody letting out yells and laughing, though Cordell sits confused.

"I've been in prison three times now." Bonham says.

"You might as well just stay there." Abilene says.

"How-- how did-- you had six and a five, how did--" Cordell tries to understand.

"Just watch." August says, grabbing the dice.

"Okay." Cordell says and August rolls the dice. Everybody but Cordell lets out exclamations and August laughs. "Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait."

"What?" August asks.

"Okay, okay! Okay. What's happening?" Cordell questions.

"What's happening is your son is mopping the floor with you." Bonham says.

"Yeah, I know he is -- clearly." Cordell says. "But I don't understand the rules so it's-- it's not fair."

"Oh!" Stella yells out, the three kids pointing at their dad and Bonham laughs.

"What? What's going on?" Cordell asks, frowning in confusion at all of them.

"We all get a bonus turn when someone says it isn't fair and Stella knew you would crack." Abilene says, high fiving her oldest grandchild.

"Stella." Cordell frowns as Stella high fives her siblings. "Your own dad."

"This is a very serious game. No loyalties." Stella states as Cordell picks up his phone.

"Excuse me, we're playing a game." Bonham tells his son.

"Yeah. Uh, just a sec." Cordell says, walking off.

"Can't even handle. A sad state of affairs." Stella says, rolling the dice.

They continue to play for a bit.

"Uh, dad, it's your turn." August says as Cordell walks back in.

"Hey, uh, Augie, why don't you-- why don't you take my turn?" He suggests.

"Cordell?" Abilene asks.

"Just, uh... just work stuff." Cordell dismisses. "You got my turn, bud?"

"Yeah." August nods.

"Okay. I'll be right back." Cordell says, going outside.


It's been eleven months since Emily was murdered. The kids moved in with their grandparents after their dad went on a case for months. They haven't had any contact with him in three months, though he's supposed to be home tonight.

August is standing in the driveway while both his sisters are sitting on the steps that lead up to the house. Liam and James are sitting on the rocking chairs on the porch.

"Let's just go inside." Stella says.

"He's coming." August insists.

"Oh, absolutely. Neither hell nor high water could keep him away." Stella quips.

Janie looks up when headlights shine and a truck drives up.

"Told you he'd be here." August says.

The two girls stand up, though any sense of joy the three kids might have is diminished when they realize the truck belongs to Stan Morrison and not their father.

"Hello, good people!" Stan greets, getting out of the truck. "Young dude, how are you?" He asks August.

"I'm good. How are you?" August asks.

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