008. the past

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13 months ago

"Hey. Um, is it okay if I use your camera?" August asks his mom as she packs up the car.

"Of course." She says. "I was hoping you'd pick it up."

"Well, uh, what should I take a picture of?" August asks. Emily thinks before striking a pose.

"Something to remember me by." She smiles and August takes the picture of her. Emily turns around at noise, Stella dribbling the basketball. "Stella, are you sure about basketball? You're so good at soccer." Emily kicks the ball to her while taking her ringing phone out.

"Hey, babe. You on your way?" Emily asks. "Just about. Got a real competition brewing over here." She walks off a bit. She hangs up, turning to her eldest. "Hit me." Stella kicks the basketball to her. "See?" She kicks the ball back to the teenager.

"No. Dude, I swear if you don't get that out of my face." Janie grumbles, wrestling with her brother. "Stop it. August--"

"Hey, hey, hey." Emily calls. "Relax. Break it up." Janie shoves August off of her, the boy keeping a tight grip on his camera. "Hey." Emily grabs her youngest's arm, pulling her closer. "Relax. Breathe. And that goes for game night, too. It's just a game. Draw prior if you must."

"Yeah, whatever." Janie heavily sighs. Emily gently pinches her cheek. "Mom!" She whines making Emily laugh.

"Well, that was pit stop fast." Emily comments.

"I still got it." Bonham says.

"Nice cattle brand. What's the "M" stand for?" Emily asks.

"The "M?"" Bonham picks the brand up, holding it the right side up. "That's a "W," silly." Emily laughs. "I just finished it this morning. Hey, uh... I'll see you tonight, okay?"


"You drive safe."

"I will." Bonham walks off.

"Getting kind of a late start, aren't you?" Abilene asks.

"Yeah, well, the volunteers flaked out and the water stations aren't gonna be refilling themselves." Emily says. "You know what happens to people out there."

"I do. But you at the border alone?" Abilene questions.

"Well, come with me." Emily says. Abilene laughs. "Come on. Geri's coming, too. We can brainstorm ways to convince Liam to get out of New York, have his wedding out here."

"Oh, what I wouldn't give to have him here again." Abilene says.

"I know." Emily says.

"And the whole family together." Abilene shuts the trunk.

"Keep an eye on my kids for me?"

"Always." Abilene walks off.

"Love you!" Emily calls to August.

"Bye, mom. Love you." He says.

"Love you." Emily tells Janie.

"Love you." She replies.

"Love you." She tells Stella.

"Love you, mom." Stella waves to her.

The five stay back as Emily gets in the car and drives off.


They're back at the ranch after Emily's funeral and sitting around in the living room. Janie stares at the floor while she plays with her rings. She stops at the ring on her left pointer finger, remembering how her mom gave it to her for her last birthday. She feels the anger quickly bubble up back inside of her, her jaw locking and hands curling into tight fists, her knuckles going white.

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