Inter.... nope Chapter 29: Arrival in Menagerie

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    Ah yes, the dragon wars wha-

??????????: Nope, we aren't doing that yet, so I'm just going to shove you back into the void.

    Hey WAIT STOP NO! BUT MY FREEeeeedom....

??????????: My apologies for that, but that little bit of lore isn't quite ready to be told just yet. Sorry about that. Let's just get back to telling Kahn's story, shall we? Sorry for the interruption.

Kahn's pov

   I wake up when as soon as I feel the bullhead land. I let out a yawn and stretch. I look over to see Sienna just staring at me. Well, that totally doesn't make my hunch about her being dangerous. Any less worse, if anything, it makes it even worse.

Kahn: So, were you just watching me the entire flight?

Sienna: Maybe~

    I wish mom was here. She would know what to do about her. Now I wish I had gotten asked for a scroll along with the motion sickness medication. As soon as the bullhead doors open up, I immediately get off. I look around and feel as if I made it home, which is weird since I consider Vale my home. As I look, I see that we landed near a large traditional looking building. (Imagine a building from the time samurais were still around in Japan. But with three floors, each one is a little smaller than the one right below it.) It looked as if it could house the entire student body of beacon before the fall and then some.

Kahn: Where on Menagerie are we? There is only this sole building for miles.

Sienna: Welcome to the Copperscale residence.

    This is the home my dad lived in? This is where my ancestors lived? Why is it so needlessly big?

Kahn: Please tell me it has a library because if it doesn't, I really don't care about it.

    I noticed her posture change. She regains her composure quickly, although the look in her eyes still hasn't changed. I genuinely want to let a shiver run down my spine, but I feel that if I do, she will take some weird joy from it. I hear a loud crash and turn back to the building only to see what looks to be a middle aged Copperscale dragon around my height wearing a kimono, he has the same draconic traits as me but the key differences are that he is missing his right eye and his left eye matches our scale color while my eyes are green like my mother's. The moment he comes flying towards us I sense danger, he doesn't seem to be happy.

    I cross my arms as he is still coming towards us. Sienna walks infornt of me and I finally see an look in her eyes that I can understand, unwavering confidence in what was about to go down. I have a bad feeling about this. This is going to be my first time meeting another Copperscale, this will be my sole chance to learn what my father was like, my heritage and more about how my magic works. If she does something to ruin this for me I will be less than happy.

    He lands right infront of us. He stands tall with an unyielding sense of both pride and confidence. He looks to Sienna with a look of disgust and then at me with a neutral expression.

?????: Well then, Miss Khan, I thought I told you and your clans services were no longer required after failing to protect my family? Yet here you are with a whelp of a dragon in toe.

    His tone is that of disgust superiority, almost as if he sees her as a bug under his foot. I might not care as much now if a fight breaks out, only so I can knock him down a few pegs. I just feel so disappointed at the fact that "this" is who is in charge of the Copperscales. Apparently it showed on my face as he violently shoves Sienna out of the way to get a good look at me.

?????: Cleary, you don't know how to take pride in your heritage, considering you are missing a horn. How weak you must be to have let that happen. Was it a human that did it? Oh, who am I kidding? Of course, it most likely was. I mean only a whelp like yourself would let that happen. Considering I know for a fact I had no daughters, I would have to assume that your mother is a human. They do tend to be easy on the eye. I'm sure if we're to see her, she would much rather me father her some new chil-

    I slam my right fist into his jaw as hard as I can launching him into the air. I give him no time to react and launch myself up using my semblance. I bring both of my hands together and slam them with all my strength down on top of his head. He crashes into the ground creating a small crater.


    I see the dust clear and he stand back up not look any worse for wear. He dusts off his shoulders and readjusts his kimono.

?????: Looks like I'm going to have to discipline you whelp. It has been too long since I've done this.

    He leaps into the air towards me. I use my semblance to redirect myself so that I can hit him but he uses his wing to fly around me as in falling.

?????: Now what do we have here? It would seem one of your wings has been infected with one of the grimm queen's bugs. I'll just nip this in the bud.

    He grabs me by my left wing and I feel a quick sharp pain before I start to fall again. As soon as I crash into the ground I look up to see him holding onto a scaless wing.... my wing....

    I feel rain begin to come down. I hear the familiar sound of roaring thunder. I activate my aura around my entire body for the first time since I first fought Winter. I feel the remain bit or my missing wing heal over into a closed stump. This bastard is no family of mine. Today. Today he dies.

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