The magics of Remnant

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    There are three main kinds of magic that persisted through the brother gods extinction of humanity. They are known as archaic magic, natural magic, and draconic magic. Archaic magic is what humanity was well known for. Archaic magic had the most variety to it. Depending on the way the mage specialized, they could summon the grimm that they had killed, manipulate the weak minded, perform great acts of destruction through channeling their magic, enhance their body to preform feats no normal human could and many more. Archaic magic also had the largest drawbacks, for if the caster wasn't careful, their spell would backfire and cause great harm to them self.

    Natural magic was taught to the beast folk by travelers from another realm that held a strong dislike for the brother gods. Natural magic allowed the user to speed up the growth of plants and to change how they shape, allowing the smarter users to shape trees into houses or make crops grow many times bigger than they would normally be. Natural magic can allow the caster to communicate with animals to aid them in their tasks. One of the greatest users of natural magic was known for being able to make dirt, stone, and metal obey him just by singing. Natural magic had no real drawback besides when the castor messes up tree-travel which is a spell that let's the castor travel between the trees that they have marked, upon failing to properly cast the spell they will merge with the tree and be forever trapped in it.

    Draconic magic has the most unknowns to it since each dragon had a magic that was unique to them alone. It is possible for someone who isn't born a dragon to be capable of using draconic magic but it is so rare that there was only ever three known people to be capable of it they were Durgon mythrilmein the metal singer, Talia Rezov the sole disciple of the platinum mother and Ozma the hero.

    There are several other magics such as rune smiting that the dwarves used, the artificial magic that Ozma gifted the maidens, the wild fey magic and the dreaded necromancy that the platinum mother and night sky father put an end to. But for now I think I have explained everything I feel like I need to for now or at the very least what important to the story at hand.

Author's note

Sorry for the short chapter I'm still struggling with a certain chapter. I know how I want it to go but I just can't get it to where I want it to be at so I wrote this chapter to explain the three main types of magic that take place within this story. I also might come back to this chapter to add to it. Once again I'm sorry for the vert short chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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