chapter three: the past and the present

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colorful walls, the smell of frying, people chatting. the once familiar place looked so different, yet still the same. cas looked around, taking in all the new details and replaying old memories. the laughter, the jokes, and all the food they could barely afford but still kept going back to get more.

now new faces sat on the tables that used to be filled by classmates and friends. faces he had never seen, too young to have ever crossed paths. all, except for one.

"cas!" a big smile appeared on his face the moment he saw his friend, feeling as he wrapped his arms around him in an instant.

"sammy." he quickly returned the hug, the boy patting his back a couple times before letting go, guiding him to their usual table.

"it's just sam now," he corrected him. cas raised an eyebrow.


"it's way cooler," sammy said, shrugging. "couldn't introduce myself to chicks as sammy."

"yeah, i'm not calling you that." cas huffed.

"oh, come on." he chuckled. "we're older now, man, we can't have nicknames."

"not you, no. you'll always be sammy to me," cas teased, feeling as his friend kicked his leg under the table.

he couldn't help but laugh, trying to kick him as well. a waitress then appeared right by their side, placing food for them that cas hadn't even ordered. he wasn't too surprised, though. sam knew his order from memory.

some things never changed. some things stayed the same no matter how much time had passed. but some others did, he guessed.

"it's castiel now, by the way," he mumbled, getting a confused look in response. his friend hummed at his words, then shook his head.

"yeah, i'm not calling you that either," he said. "you'll always be cas to me." cas rolled his eyes, reaching to hit the boy's shoulder. sam laughed, before reaching for his burger and taking a bite. "i missed you, man. i missed this," sam said next, his mouth still half full. "it's been too long."

"...yeah." years could feel like centuries when you were used to spending every day with someone.

the last time he saw sammy he still had a baby face. now, he looked like a man. they had kept in touch, they texted here and there and checked on each other, but it wasn't exactly the same. distance and time did that to people, it was good to be face to face again. he would always be one of his best friends, but nothing was better than being in the same space.

"so, have you seen dean yet?" maybe the distance wasn't so bad after all. cas shifted awkwardly on his spot, looking at his own food, nonchalantly. he nodded, then took a sip of his drink.

"i saw him, yeah," he mumbled. and when he looked back at him, sammy was raising an eyebrow.

"did he see you? " he asked. cas internally cringed, before shaking his head. "dude, what? you live right next to each other." his friend huffed. "well, i guess we'll have to go to his house tonight then, like the old good times. i'm sure it'll be fine if we –"

"i kinda have other plans later today, actually," cas interrupted him. he took another sip of his drink, trying to keep his voice casual and not give away the storm of thoughts flooding his brain. "i'm meeting april." sam blinked a few times, before leaning into his seat.

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