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Third person pov

Phat and Beam had fallen asleep a few movies in, it was the next day. Phat woke up that morning and felt like he had been hit with a brick in the head.

He sat up and checked his phone to see the time. It was 7am. He yawned and stretched out, turning to Beam who seemed to be comfortably. Phat looked at him and furrowed his eyebrows.

He leaned down over to him and tapped his shoulder. "Beam, wake up." Phat said, not even caring if he'd startle the boy. Beam wasnt budging. Phat did the same again, tapping his shoulder more but Beam just hummed and turned to the other side.

Phat sighed and looked to his side. He saw a pillow and smiled. He had an idea.

Getting up, he took the pillow and looked at Beam who was peacefully sleeping. Not anymore. He smirked and hit Beam on the back with the pillow. Beam moved a bit but didnt wake up. Phat hit him again but harder and more up which did cause a reaction but he didnt wake up.

Phat's eyes widened at how much of a heavy sleeper Beam was. He hit Beam again, but on the head now. Thankfully, Beam got up this time and groaned. "What the fuck!" He looked at Phat with the pillow. "Why are you hitting me?" He asked and Phat smiled. "To wake you up, of course." Phat said and Beam just hummed.

Beam sighed and took a pillow, throwing it at Phat who laughed. "It's so early, stop hitting me with pillows." Beam told Phat who didnt seem to care and threw the pillow in his hands at him. Beam caught it and threw it back.

They went back and forth with throwing pillows at eachother. Their fun was cut off by Phat's phone ringing. A loud, annoying buzzing music filling the rooms air, Phat's alarm going off.

Phat groaned a little and took his phone, turning off the other five alarms he had on. They had to get ready. Phat put the pillow away and looked at Beam who threw his on the bed.

Going to the bathroom, Phat looked around and realised that he didnt have a toothbrush. Just great. He turned towards the door and went back out.

"Beam, do you have a spare toothbrush i could use?" Phat asked the boy who was looking for clothes in his closet. "Uh, yeah, wait a sec." Beam smiled a bit and walked over to one of the drawers, opening in and taking out a pack of toothbrushes. Why'd he have so many?

Phat's eyes widened a bit at the amount of toothbrushes Beam had. It was weird but honestly pretty nice too. "Why do you have so many toothbrushes?" Phat asked, chuckling a little. Beam just shrugged and gave him one of the many.

Taking it, Phat headed back to the bathroom and took the toothpaste, squeezing out a glob of it on the toothbrush. After he finished brushing his teeth, he went out of the bathroom and into Beam's room.

Once Beam was also done, he came back in his room and looked at Phat. He didn't have his uniform with him and Beam couldn't give him his own since they weren't from the same school.

"D'you want some of my clothes?" Beam asked Phat. Phat nodded a little and waited for Beam to take out some random thing.

Beam took out a t-shirt and some of his baggier sweatpants, handing them to Phat who took them and smiled at Beam gratefully.

Phat went back in the bathroom and changed, coming back out in a short period of time. The clothes were big on him, of course, but they looked pretty nice.

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