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Tom's POV.

"Where's the money tom," Alihandro spoke as i walked towards him with black bag on my hand. This shit won't shut his mouth because of the god damn money.

"Here, eat it" i said and throw the bag on his chest causing him to back up a little. He smile getting his happiness granted. I just keep walking to the black leather couch and sat down.

"So how you and Taylor going? Turns out she already announced that you both already on relationship" he spoke and the bag on his shoulder and the other on his pocket. I remember taylor and i am still stuck with that stupid plan.

"All good but i don't want you to talk about it" i respond and rolled my eyes and turn my attention towards the tv.

"Well i guess you already fell for her huh?" He ask and i don't want to talked about it when the plan is still stuck but this man's mind is just making my blood boil. I didn't replied because u might not control myself

"I guess you did" he mumbled and i gaze into him giving him a death stare.

"I'm just gonna give advice tom, she's a dangerous woman but if she's good in you it's not her. Just told her and everything will be alright" he advised and i can feel anger and relief at the same time. God can i just have some time to think!?. I didn't replied as alihandro tap my shoulder concernly as he walked away. I gaze into the place I'm in, it's the new house i bought day's ago but i have to keep it for Taylor incase she kicked me out on her and if something happened i have something to hide in.

Minutes past on overthinking something interrupt.



my phone rang as i take it and it was Charlotte. I answered it and i was all confused why she suddenly called.

"Hello?" I spoke and i can hear crying and sobbing across the line.

"Tom? Where are you!?" She respond and it's like she's sniffing into tear's.

"What happened?" I replied

"Something just happened, i need you right now" she pleaded as she cried hard.

"Where are you?" I respond concernly.

"I'm still on Taylor's house, she's on her swing mood again" she said and i can feel sadness. she's getting back with that again..

"Alright I'll be there" i added and she continue to cry as i drop the call. I stood up the couch and take my keys with me as i storm off the house and got in to my car that parked in front.

I drove into Taylor's house and i can see Charlotte from afar with bag's on her while her hands on her face. I directly park the car and ran into her. She is full of bruises and i don't know why Taylor did this but i don't know where are they though.

"Hey what happened?" I ask concernly as she looked at me with blood on the corner of her lips.

"We need to get out of here, she's coming with you and us" she said scarely and I feel confused. Why do i am involved with this?
Charlotte stood up and take her things as she pulled me to her car rushly. I don't know what to do, but i know if Taylor will gonna chase us whenever we are.

"Where are we going?" I said as i sat down at the passenger seat and she started the engine. I can see car coming and i know who is it. Taylor. She's here.

Charlotte rushly get the car start as Taylor getting close to us and we slip into the gate. I don't know why of a sudden she's just calm? Minutes ago she's crying? I'm so confused right now.

𝗠𝗔𝗙𝗜𝗔 𝗘𝗠𝗣𝗜𝗥𝗘, 𝗡𝗢 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 // 𝗧.𝗸Where stories live. Discover now