06 - - cleaning up

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SUNNY sat up in the messy bed. The sheets wrinkled around him.

He began to get up, stretching and slowly trudging out of bed. He scratched his burning arm, the dried blood flaking off.

He stared at his arm.

SUNNY then remembered what he did last night and moped back to his room, squinting in the dark bedroom. He made his way back to his bed, pulling the sheets back to reveal bloodstained sheets.

SUNNY cursed in his head.

He threw his comforter off and ripped the sheets off his bed, throwing them into the corner of his room.

SUNNY blinked.

He started to the laundry room to find new sheets when the doorbell rung.

SUNNY slowly retreated to the stairs, peeking out of the door to see KEL, staring him in the face.

"SUNNY!! Hey! Come on lets go outside! i have some fun ideas!"

KEL reached for SUNNYS arm, but SUNNY shut the door in his face before KEL could.

SUNNY took a deep breath.

He walked back inside his house and upstairs to the bathroom. As he began washing his arm he heard KELS confused yelling from outside.

SUNNY smiled.

He cleaned up his arm, but it was still a noticeable and red. He dug through his closet to find a long sleeved black shirt.


SUNNY straggled downstairs to the door again. He slowly opened it, looking up to see nothing.


SUNNY looked down to see KEL, crouched down playing with a rock or something.

SUNNY blushed, KEL waited for him...

SUNNY shook his head.

He tapped the oblivious boy on the shoulder, and he jumped.

KEL looked up at SUNNY, smiling widely.

"SUNNY!! i knew you would come back out!"

KEL wrapped SUNNY in a warm hug.

SUNNY closed his eyes.

He smelled KELS familiar scent,

axe body wash, orange joe, and lots of sweat.

He liked it though, because it was KELS.


KEL broke the hug and smiled at SUNNY,

"what do you want to do now?"

SUNNY shrugged.

"lets go to the park! like we used to!"

SUNNY nodded.

"'like we used to'"... the old times... SUNNY grimaced remembering her...


SUNNY blinked and shook his head.

He was just going to enjoy the day with KEL. He wouldnt let anything ruin that.


one sunny day... (omori suntan) (sunny x kel) Where stories live. Discover now