''Chapter 2''

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''Hey Zi.'' I heard that recognizable voice from outside the classroom. It was Thad. ''Oh hey Thad.'' I wasn't exactly popular like Thad was, but we have been friends for a while. I even used to have a crush on him, but that moved on. I realized we would be better as friends.  ''You okay? You don't look too good.'' Thad said. ''Oh yeah, besides the point that school in fact sucked and Lizzy was bothering me the whole time-'' I responded with. ''Oh, I'm sorry about that-'' Thad replied back to me. ''Eh, it's not like it was your fault anyways.'' I say. ''Well, I don't wanna keep you busy. You seemed in a hurry when you were going out of the classroom.'' Thad says. ''Oh, thanks. See ya later Thad.'' I said, walking away. Thad waved while I was walking away.


Uzi entered the landing pod, to see N and V there. N noticed Uzi enter. ''Uzi!'' N said, running over to hug her. V rolls her eyes. ''Hey N-..'' Uzi says, while a bit of purple blush appears on her visor. V noticed this and smirked. V had known Uzi likes N a few days after Uzi started having feelings for N. N let go of the hug, smiling at Uzi.

{{Alr guys, I'm gonna end it here for now, thanks for reading!}}

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