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CW: Hospital smut, choking, discussions of murder, these two are kinky, psychopathic fucks

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CW: Hospital smut, choking, discussions of murder, these two are kinky, psychopathic fucks.

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He's been holding the rage in, being soft and sweet for her; hiding it beneath small smiles and soft kisses.

But deep inside, he's fuming, grieving, and more uncertain than he's ever been. Now, it's unfurling around him like smoke, practically seeping out of his fingertips.

James hates hospitals.

He spent too many years in them as a kid, getting broken bones and injuries fixed that were inflicted by his father. At one point, his left leg was covered in scars that he paid good money to laser off.

Knife marks.

His father once told him that pain was the thing that made a man.

James never told Dahlia how sadistic his father really was, mostly because he couldn't bring himself to relive the pain.

And it wasn't just his pain, it was his mother's, too. James took the brunt of her punishments with a stoic face and dead eyes as his father beat him mercilessly— all so that he wouldn't lay a finger on Rebecca or Winnifred.

But even James couldn't prevent that.

He hasn't told Dahlia what his father made him watch.

"This is how you break women in, James."

Rebecca knows, but only because James came to her later, broken and terrified. They were sixteen. That night, they vowed that their father would die by their hands.

It took a long time to put that plan into motion.

Just the smell of a hospital evokes the memory.

It's why James stays away from them.

"Jamie," Thor murmurs, his voice slicing into James's thoughts. "Are you listening?"

His attention span has been shit these past few days. He blinks and shakes his head.

"No," he confesses. "Sorry."

Thor reaches over with a smile on his face and squeezes his shoulder.

"It's okay. I was just saying that I've left MJ and Scott in charge of operations while we're gone. Sam is trying to find out what happened to Loki, if he was kidnapped and somehow forced into..." He trails off, tears in his eyes.

Wanda is trailing after Dahlia, clutching her phone in her hand with a constant worried expression.

They've been here for 24 hours and already this hospital room is starting to feel cramped.

TITAN (𝘖𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘉𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘐𝘐) || Bucky BarnesxOCWhere stories live. Discover now