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James closes the door softly, afraid to wake up Isabella. She's held safely in Dahlia's arms, bundled in a light pink blanket, a head of thick dark hair poking out. James walks over to them both and cups Dahlia's face in his hand, kissing her cheek. She closes her eyes and lets out a deep sigh.

She's still exhausted, the circles under her eyes already darker than they were before. Isabella is a happy baby, but a loud one. Screaming is her second favorite activity, next to eating.

Dahlia's dressed in a pair of his sweats, her hair pulled back in a mess of a bun. James adjusts the duffel bag on his shoulder. They have a lot more shit carry now that they have a baby.

"Should we show her the nursery?"

Dahlia beams, kissing Isabella on the head.

"What do you say, pumpkin? Are you ready to see your room?"

Isabella had some minor complications when she was first born, mostly a bit of a cold. They had to put her in an incubator for a couple of weeks so that she could get better. Dahlia felt tremendous guilt, thinking she'd somehow gotten their baby sick, but the nurses assured her that this happens all the time and that Isabella would be well taken care of. James watched over her every night, and when she got out, he read to her and sung to her while Dahlia slept. Already, they've bonded.

He didn't know he could love someone other than Dahlia this much.

They carefully walk up the stairs, James keeping his hand resting on Dahlia's lower back. The nursery is gorgeous. Dahlia and Wanda worked on it forever, painting massive roses and lilies, and making sure that every brush stroke was perfect. It's peaceful in here, with a little reading nook and children's books adorning the shelves. There's a changing table, toys tucked away in the corner for when Isabella is old enough, a chest filled with extra blankets, and a rocking chair that James managed to keep from his old nursery as a child. His mother rocked him to sleep in that chair, and it's a way of keeping her legacy of gentleness and kindness with him.

Dahlia gently rocks Isabella back and forth, kissing her little button nose and chubby cheeks. She walks over to the crib.

"That's going to be your bed when you're ready for it, but tonight, you're sleeping in the bassinet in our room."

Well, morning sex is off the table, then. Maybe he can get her in the shower.

"And these are your books!" Dahlia exclaims. "We have so many to read to you, angel. Papa has a very soothing reading voice. Puts me right to sleep— no offense, my love."

James smiles, even though she's exhausted, she looks so happy. Motherhood has softened her, and James knows she's terrified to end up like her own mother, but he can't see that happening.

It's just not in the cards for her. She's broken the cycle.

Her pregnancy was hard in the last trimester. She was bedridden, dealing with fainting spells, and she was incredibly dizzy due to her blood pressure being lower. They thought there was something really wrong with her, but right toward the tail end of her pregnancy, things got better. James didn't leave her side for a second. He took zoom meetings with Thor from bed while she slept next to him.

He's determined to be the kind of father George Barnes could never be.

"Oh!" Dahlia squeaks as she gets to a framed photo of Aster and Cleo.

TITAN (𝘖𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘉𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘐𝘐) || Bucky BarnesxOCWhere stories live. Discover now