What did you call me?

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Since Colt and Kite are two of my all time favorite hxh characters I obviously went to read, ONLY TO NOTICE THERE'S NOTHING. So that's why I'm here.

It was an average day in the NGL, Colt often stayed in the area around the old nest in memory of the queen. The queen he had failed to protect from the most that others so named the 'king'. Kings have honor, they're made to protect the citizens of the colony. Yet, he ate them. Tortured them. Used them. Used us.

Kite decided he would stay alongside Colt until he felt ready to retake the hunter exam. Even if he had passed it once, he felt as if he needed to retake it, as he was a new person. Technically. The Chairman understood Kite's predicament and accepted his request. So now he trains his hardest at every waking hour. Even if he was still 'himself' that didn't stop Colt from taking care of Kite.

Kite was out practicing in an open field with a sword he had taken from the house he stayed in a storage room. His body was still a new adaptation for him to master, he had to regain his balance and control, having a tail made that a bit annoying.

Colt was watching from a nearby rock as Kite practiced, he had caught some fish from a nearby river for dinner tonight, he cleaned the fish and he began skinning the scales while waiting for Kite.

Kite practiced having his body flow in the same direction as the sword, making a clean motion just like he could in his old body. But he had forgotten he had something that he didn't originally need to account for, a tail. Kite let out a small yeep as he stepped on his tail and tripped, he was surprised at the pain and let go of the sword, as he fell the sword left a decently large cut on Kite's exposed arm.

Colt heard the small noise and turned to see Kite on the ground and blood on the sword, watching as it spilled onto the grass. "Kite!" Colt dropped the fish he had yet to finish washing and quickly flew over to Kite. Kite groaned and sat up, hearing his name called he saw Colt flying over and sitting down beside him. Colt gently grabbed Kite's arm and looked at the cut. Colt sighed, picking up the sword and sheathing it in its scabbard on his waist. "That's a deep cut, we're going back hom- to the house. Enough training for today." Colt often tries to avoid using familiar terms such as 'home' and 'son' as he wants to respect Kite's original life, afterall he isn't truly his kid.

Kite groaned, "I'm fine, it's just a cut. I've had worse."

Colt gave Kite an annoyed look, "Your other body has had worse, this body has yet to adopt your harsh training. That wound can get infected, we're going."

Kite pouted, which would be unusual for most, but with Colt, Kite felt safe enough for showing his new found childlike emotions. "Fine.." Kite put his arms up, a sign he and Colt have made a signal for Kite wants 'up' since Colt flies then most places. Colt grabbed Kite and hoisted him on top of his shoulders as he walked back over to the rock he sat on and grabbed the remaining fish. Kite held on tight to Colt as he grabbed the basket of fish and flew back to the house.


After around seven minutes Kite saw the house in the distance, it was a small house but it was his home. Home. Kite has been wondering what this whole thing was, he finally has a home after all. Lost in thought, Kite felt the cut sting in pain. He suppressed any noises that might tell Colt he was in pain. He might be a kid but he's no baby.

Colt landed on the front steps of the house and opened the door with his free hand. Kite jumped down from Colt's shoulders as he followed him inside and sat down on a nearby chair. Colt placed the fish basket on the counter to finish later, right now Kite was his priority. He walked over to the storage closet to grab some medical equipment he got from Morel. He opened the supplies and took out a roll of bandages and a cloth. He went over to the sink and got the cloth wet and walked over to Kite. He gently took Kite's arm and began to clean the wound. Kite tried to pull away but it was futile, he knew the wound had to be clean. "Stay still, I know it hurts." Colt said.

After a while Colt finished cleaning the wound and finally grabbed the bandages and wrapped it around the wound. As he finished Kite moved his arm around, it felt a lot better. He smiled, "Thanks dad"

Colt, who was putting away the rest of the medical equipment, turned to Kite in shock. "Dad?"

Kite soon realized what he said and looked away embarrassed, "Sorry. You're like a father to me, you always look after me even knowing I can do it myself. I apologize if I made you uncomfortable."

Colt walked over to Kite and patted his head, "You can call me dad whenever you want" he smiled, Kite looked up to the Chimera Ant and lightly grinned. "Can I help clean the fish then, dad?"

"Of course kiddo"


"You're like two"

Colt and Kite Family One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now