•First Kiss•

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Dear Fae,
We did eventually meet again at Michael's house for a party that alot of people knew about. It had only been a few years

I remember being scared shitless when i saw you. It was crazy seeing you again and you also had grown a bit and if i thought you were beautiful a few years back and i still did but when i saw you, you i guess could say took my breath away. "Ashton?" I turned around when i felt a light tap on my shoulder. I remember my eyes feeling like they were going to burst out of my head."Fae?" You smiled and oh my god it was the most amazing beautiful thing to see. You wraped your arms around me and god i felt at home I felt amazing all because of you.

"This is insane! How have ya been?! How'd you end up at Michael's house for this party?" I couldn't stop smiling it was you Fae it was actually you. "I've been really great and my best friend and Michael are kind of a thing." You motioned your head where Michael had a brunette girl pinned against the wall sucking the life out of her through her mouth. I made the ugliest grossed out face and you laughed which i missed so much. I just wanted to hug you forever and ever and not let go. I was going to speak but Michael interrupted. "Okay everyone we're playing spin the bottle now get the fuck over here!" No one listened to him and his immediate reaction was to grab people and force them and he came for no other than you and I. It was only you, me, Michael, his girlfriend, pot head Bryan, Melissa, Jenny, and Ryan.

Michael decided i was first of course and it spun to no other than you. "Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!" Michael started chanting and eventually so did others joined. I felt my face flare up, i had never kissed a girl before and this was our first time seeing eachother in three years how could i not be nervous? "Kiss her or you have to lick the bottom of Christopher's shoe!" "Yea Ash i just stepped in dog shit nice and fresh for ya!" They bursted out in laughter. Oh god. I scooted over across the circle to where you sat. I took your face between my hands and studied your face. Your breaths uneven and hard, your face warm, and your eyes glowing. I whispered to reassure you "Don't worry." I lowered my head and planted a kiss on your lips as you sucked in a quick breath in shock. Our lips molded perfectly together and you brought your hand to the side of my face before I realized we were being watched. I had just had my first kiss with the most amazing beautiful girl and I loved it. I let go of your face and pulled back. You were glowing and your cheeks started turning a bright red. "Woooooooooo Ashton and Faaaeeeee." Everyone then proceeded to joke around the rest of the night about us.

I left an hour later and thought that was the last time I'd see you. But I was wrong. Very, very wrong.

As Always Love,

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