•First Dance•

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Dear Fae,

We met again later in highschool. It was so great to see you. We never really talked much until Junior year. That's when I saw my opportunity and took it.

"Hey Ash!" "Hi Fae." "How ya doin good lookin?" You laughed and god it was amazing to hear it. "Haha I'm fine. Can you come with me for a quick sec I need to get something from Mr.Schefield's class." "Yea sure I don't have softball practice till about 3:30 I got time." Fuck I was so nervous I was about to ask you to Junior Prom. I spent a month and a half putting this whole thing together and if you would've said no I would be devastated. With a quick motion I opened the door and motioned you to go in. "It's fine I'll stay out here and wait." "Please come in with me Fae." "For what! Just get what you need so we can go." "Fae can you just please please please come in?" "Fiiiiinnnee ugh." You stepped in and i rushed to my position and waited for a reaction. You didn't quite understand but when it hit you it was priceless. "Ohmy Ashton! Holy shit!" I had painted a banner and hung it up on the back board in class.

Prom would be a disastrè without Fae

I walked over and held a bouquet of roses. "So is it a yes?or am I riding solo?" I managed half smile even though I was internally screaming. "Holy shit of course! Of course I will go with you oh my god Ashton this is the sweetest thing ever!" You wrapped your arms around my neck and pulled me in for a hug. When you pulled back and looked up at me I don't know what happened but something inside me clicked and told me to kiss you, and that's exactly what I did. "Fuck I'm sorry did I just mess this whole thing up?" "Ashton there is nothing you could do to mess this moment up it's all absolutely perfect."

It was the day before prom and we had everything planned out. It was exhilarating but scary at the same time. I'd invited you to dinner then prom. The next day I put on my suit which was a miracle considering I never wore suits. All black just how you'd instructed me to then I drove to your house. I remember telling myself not to fuck up or do anything stupid. I walked up to your door and knocked your step dad opened the door and I was scared as shit. He was a 6 foot 4 army vet who was built and and huge he was overall intimidating. "Um I'm here to pick up Fae?" "Come on in." His voice was cool but stern I kept in playing with the corsage I had gotten you because of how damn nervous I was. "Look Fae is my baby girl and I don't want anything bad to happen to her so don't try anything got it pretty boy?" "Yes sir I wouldn't even think about hurting Fae." "Good now let me just get one thing straight are yo-" He was cut off by you walking down the stairs. When I looked at you I felt butterflies in my chest and my heart beating a thousands miles a minute. "Wow" I whispered these words. You had a beautiful black dress that fell so beautifully over your body with lace long sleeves and a vibrant red adorning your lips. Your so very kissable lips. "Doesn't my baby girl look beautiful." He pulled you in for a hug. "Thanks Joe." You beamed at him then quickly turned to me. "I uh got this for you." I quickly strapped the corsage on your wrist and led you to the door. "Any specific time you want her to be back sir?" His face was red obviously trying to contain tears. "No curfew tonight Fae have a good time." I led you to my car and drove you to an Italian restaurant. We ate and talked before going to prom.

When we walked in I swear everyone looked at you at us. I was with one of the most beautiful girls and I couldn't be happier. We sat and talked most of the night until a slow song came on. I stood up and extended my hand towards you. We walked over to the dance floor where you placed your hand on my shoulder and intertwined our fingers. I settled my hand on your waist. I leaned to whisper in your ear. "Jesus Christ Fae you look so gorgeous tonight you look absolutely breathtaking." Heat rose to your cheeks and you quickly looked away. Before we both knew it it was 1am. Prom had ended at 11 but I took you to the beach. I dropped you off in front of your house and walked you to your porch. "Thank you for the most amazing night of my life Ashton." You quickly turned around to go into your house and I started to walk back to my car. "Wait Ashton." I turned around and faced you, you walked over and without warning quickly planted your lips on mine. I brought my hands to your face and you ran your hands through my hair and pressed harder into the kiss. It felt like a perfect forever then you let go and laughed. "The second time was better." I laughed and kissed your forehead. "Goodnight Fae sweet dreams." "Goodnight Ashton."

That was possibly one of the best nights of my life all because if you Fae.

                        As Always Love,
                           Ashton ♥

Hey guys! I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far. Please add to your libraries and recommend to friends!!! I would really appreciate it

I'm a pretty shit writer but it's okay lmao :) thanks for reading!

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