That's My F*ckin' Best Friend

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Conan's POV 

Ash: Conan! I just saw about the blizzard! U safe?

Me: I'm fine. 

Ash: y arent u sleeping

Me: cant. 

Ash: because?

Me: just met a girl

Ash: *insert sighing here*

Me: shes really prettyyyyy ahhhhh

Ash: u say that about everybody. go to sleep.

Me: no but shes different. 

Ash: u say that about everybody.

Me: bae, I'm serious rn. we actually interacted

Ash: woahhhhhh!

Me: dont use that sarcastic tone with me u little-

Ash: please tell me u had an actual conversation

Me: multiple. she's a new friend now :)

Ash: please tell me she doesnt have a boyfriend

Me: i dont know. 


Me: doubt that she does

Ash: woah no need 2 dis her! yikes, i though u like this girl

Me: i do like this girl, i meant it more like... she wouldn't have agreed to have slept in my bed with me if she did have a guy!


Ash: That escalated quickly

Ash: please tell me ur joking-

Me: lol- nah, she got stuck in the hotel during the blizzard, and the hotel's all booked out 


Me: I overheard her convo with the receptionist about being stuck after just coming back from my concert. she was full-on crying 

Ash: so she's in ur bed HOW?!?!

Me: I went got a coffee with her. shes super sweet and not obsessive i swear on my life. I'm letting her stay with me tonight.

Ash: erm- Conan- im still so lost

Me: she's sleeping on one half, im sleeping on the other.

Ash: oh ok lol- i though you'd decided that u were just gonna rebel all of the sudden hehe

Me: nah. I'll be safe too

Ash: its not ur safety im worried about. 

Me: hardy har har ur SOOOO funny. No- I'm not a pervert.

Ash: don't go falling in luv bestie

Me: ill try ;) 

Me: you'd love her. She ordered a double-shot mocha. A DOUBLE SHOT. 

Ash: Ok- dayum.

Me: She was wearing a shirt with her own fanart of me on it 2 Ahhh! 

Ash: ooh an artist and a coffee enthusiast! #girlboss

Me: I guess u could say her shirt's made of  'wife material'

Ash: why Con, y?!

Ash: i hate u so much

Ash: never talk to me again

Me: i luv u too <3 

Ash: dont do anything stupid.

Me: I will <3

Ash: <3 <3 <3

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