Chapter 1:The Devildom

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This is just some random idea I came up with so enjoy




(text) =Thinking

It has just been the war with Falmouth and rimuru is currently leaving walpurgis when all of a sudden when he walks through the door something seems to interfere.

{Raphael what's happening! We were just leaving walpurgis!}

[Master Something seems to be interfering with the telerpotation]

[Resisting... Negative]

{Aah shi-}

Rimuru opens his eyes to see a large room with a few figures in front of him.

{Where are we Raphael?And why do i feel a bit drained? }

[I do not know where we are master.]

[The reason master is feeling weak is because the interference messed up masters magicules, but master should be after some time]

(But what could they want from me)

"Welcome to devildom realm of demons" The red head said

"Demons?" I asked looking at all of the figures in the room. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Diavolo prince of devildom" diavolo says as another demon standing near says "My name is Lucifer, avatar of pride, you have been chosen to be our exchange student to bring peace to all realms, it's lord diavolo's dream to unite all 3 realms. The demon relam, celestial realm and the human realm. We have 2 angels and 2 other humans, you are the third one. You will be given tasks and write a report at the end of the year about your experience. "

(So basically I'm in hell)

" My brother Mammon will be taking care of you while you stay here"Lucifer says "Another! I already got mc! <you>Why can't anyone elso do it!" Mammon yells at lucifer. Lucifer glares at mammon and says " Do you want another punch Mammon. If not then shut up." Mammon can be seen shivering and walks to me.

"You're lucky you know. You get be taken care of by the Great Mammon!" Mammon says.

"Where will I stay?" I ask because first I'm kidnapped, then forced to relive school, and may possibly be homeless. "You will stay with us the house of lamentation along with my brothers" Lucifer says gesturing to his brothers to introduce himself.

"I'm the Great mammon, avatar of greed"

"I'm Leviathan call me levi, avatar of envy"

" I'm satan, avatar of wrath"

"I'm the most beautiful demon you'll ever meet, Asmodeus, avatar of lust~"

I look straight into his eyes and then he frowns a bit "You too!"


[The individual Asmodeus was attempting to charm you with you looking into his eyes]

{makes sense why I felt a bit weird. Thanks Raphael}

"I'm Beelzebub call me Beel, avatar of gluttony"

(gluttony huh)

{Wait a minute I don't come from the human realm anymore!Why am I here}

[Answer it's possible that our world is some form of the human realm since there are many universes and realms or because master reincarnated from that world your soul is still in contact with it]

/this makes no sense but pls bear with it/

{ what about everyone back home?}

[I do not know their condition master]

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